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Veterans tae rin this, (THlS IS A BRITISH               It was agreed at a recent meeting of the
CHAMPIONSHIP) quality medals a bonus Noo jist           Technical Committee of the EVAA that for
fur whye shid ye cum tae Glesca tae run a race          performances from 1 April 2013, two new
(Why come to Glasgow to run a race)                     requirements for claiming a European Record
Weel the course itsel, the course almost as flat        will apply:
as a pancake, in some measure traffic free, nae         ► In accordance with Rule 260.22(b) of the
bother tae seasoned vets. (Course flat, traffic         current IAAF Handbook, 800m races will be
controlled attractive to seasoned veteran               included in the category of races for which Fully
athletes as are we) The venue a quality Scottish        Automatic Timing (FAT) is required (previously
rugby club.I gather donated free has every'             this applied only to races up to 400m).
amenity a race of this standard deserves.
If cumrnin tae Glesca thir is the Kelvingrove           Also copies of both photo-finish picture and the
Museum since renovated admission free,In                Zero Control test, will be needed.
Pollock Park there is Pollock House,admission
free the cafe area.                                     ►If there is a new Record or Best Performance, the Affiliate
A wee bit expensive for me, there is the Burrell        (after having recognised it as their National Record or Best
Collection free,1 personally found both through         Performance) must apply to the EVAA through the Secretary,
our vets Xmas H/cap Noo is tae the race itsel I         within 30 days.
shall be contactin oor rutin body suggestin the
start time be delayed sic as oor XfMas H/Cap,           ►An application form can be downloaded from the EVAA
                                                        website and must be sent together with a copy of the full
A shid nae be sayin whye, an thit we goalden            results of the competition and, for a track race timed using
oldies hae a wee start,noo fit fur whye, weel ye        Fully Automatic Timing, with a copy of the Photo Finish and
see am noo aye rinnin at the hint end,sumtimes          Zero Control Test.
loast he course wunder if am still in the race noo
if we hid a wee start we could feel wirsels tae be      ►The EVAA Record Working Group, after investigation if
involved/compeetin no hingin oan it the back an         necessary, will approve and submit the application to the
e we widna be haudin up the presentation( I shall       Council which, as per section 3 of the By Laws, has the final
suggest the race start be similar our S. V.H. C         decision.
XMas H/Cap) and we goalden Oldies havea
preverential start time in order we involved in         ► If the European Record or European Best Performance is
the running scenario not trailing at the back           also a World Record or World Best Performance, EVAA will
wondering were we still in the race not losf' s         inform the WMA Records Chairperson, for their approval.
will enhance our involvment and not delay the
presentation what at The 112/M was a feature            ► European Records and European Best Performances set
goalden oldie have just competed in The Scottish        in EVACS, EVACI or EVACNS (or their World equivalents)
masters Indoor T and F in Scotlands premium             will be automatically approved from the Championship
Indoor venue.I was accorded every respect were          Results, if they comply with all the necessary conditions and
I an international competitor,my presence               have been checked by the EVAA Record Working Group,
despite age /performance sought indeed                  without the need for completing an application form.
encouraged, I still run to the stop watch in wis
fair chuffed it ma performance( extremely               ► Similarly, European Championship Records and Best
pleased at my times re the stop watch)1 tell            Performances will be approved automatically.
everybody I do not spectate at our international
track, run on it.                                       ► In addition European Records and European Best
                                                        Performances set in the following meets directly santioned
Thanks to all who encourage me we The Masters           by IAAF, namely the Olympic Games, the IAAF World
Nets Noo jist agin it is a British Championship.        Championships, Grand Prix meets, the Commonwealth
I personally do not travel doon South, costs the        Games and equivalent regional meets – i.e.: IAAF
factor, bit if ye kin, see ye'se a' at Pollock Park     International Competitions indicated in IAAF Rule 1.1(a)-
Glesca it's oan ma front door as is The Fa'kirk         1.1.(j) - will be automatically approved from the
Wheel, personally feel it is overrated bit they         Championship/Meet Results, if they comply with all the
cum from a' the world tae see it an accordin the        necessary conditions and have been checked by the
visitors book ur fair tane awa wi it.                   EVAA Record Working Group, without the need for
The Falkirk Wheel attracts visitor’s world wide         completing an application form.
and according to visitors book comments
thoroughly enjoy / appreciate.                          Bob Minting also states that this procedure will
                                                        apply to claims for British Records, assuming the
Fair enjoy / appreciate Masters Athletics               BMAF is in agreement.
magazine you keep me informed especially the
event reporting, tremendous for that alone.             I understand WMA do not back this procedure,
                                                        and the item is up for discussion in the October
                                                        Council meeting.

Yours in Sport.                                         I believe that your BMAF Magazine is due, so perhaps
                                                        you may want to give a warning to your members on the
Hugh McGinlay                                           Masters Games in Torino.

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