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                      3$*(ʇRace Walking.
                      3$*(ʇIndoor Track &Field.

          Items for inclusion in the “Summer            THE PICTURES USED IN THIS
        Edition” to reach the editor by the                          ISSUE ARE BY

                          16th July 2014.                               JEREMY HEMMING
            The lucky prizewinners are as follows:
                                                                           TOM PHILLIPS
November 2013: K Hall. B Holden, A Kimber, P Jones, 
N Wray x2.
December: Nigel Wray (315), Joe Brian-Davis (990),                      MARK EASTON
Ursula Duckworth (462), Betty Dodd (919), Ellen Barr
(381), Joan Burns (293)
January 2014: Barrie Roberts (25), Caroline Marler     EDITOR WRITES:
(418), Nigel Wray (160 & 185), Suzanne Kirkup (252)
and Peggy Taylor (24)                                  Well a truly great performance in the
February: John Brett (425), Brian Loten (329), Ursula                Track and Field Indoor Season, where
Duckworth (120), Nigel Wray (318), Geoff Dowling                     Great Britain finished 2nd in the Medal
(248) and Caroline Marler (418)                        table in Budapest, that has to be the best ever.
March: Nigel Wray (169), Richard Hilling (901), Nigel  The appearance in the World Championships of
Wray (317), Campbell Joss (653), Andrew Martin (632)   Internationals like Tony Whiteman, Mark Findlay,
and Thomas Harley (78).                                James Thie, Lesley Owusu and Irie Hill greatly
                                                       enhances the profile of our events.
Each month the first number drawn receives a cheque
for £125, while the 5 runners-up each receive a        A major problem being that it appears not to be
cheque for £10.                                        viable to stage such Championships in these
                                                       Islands. I know austerity is today’s byword, but it
                                                       was possible to bring the Olympics and the 2017
                                                       IAAF World Championships to London.

Many thanks to all who take part, in particular to         We really need the support of the UK
Nigel Wray ,Peggy Taylor and Barrie Roberts who have       Government, UKA and a British City prepared to
returned their winnings.                                   invest in something good and worthy. It appears
                                                           that we could even argue the Master Athletes
If anyone is interested in purchasing a share, which       are being discriminated against in favour of
costs £15 per year, they can contact me on                 Younger and Disability Athletics. All profits go towards the
production of this newspaper.                              UK Sport deliver huge sums of money to
                                                           Athletics, a great deal goes to support Athletes
Chris Jager                                                on the Podium programme, and very fair salaries
                                                           to the administration and direction of the sport.
3$*(ʇFixtures.                                         So why money, cannot be channelled in our
PAGE 4 ʇ News.                                             direction.
3$*(ʇ Letters .                                          Whilst our executive talks to UKA, England and
3$*(ʇ%RRNV.                                             hopefully someone picks up Scotland, Wales and
3$*(ʇReports                                            Northern Ireland. It is clear that the demand for a
3$*(ʇAddresses.                                         Major Masters Championship must come from
3$*(ʇCross Country & Road                               the Sports Governing body.

                                                           We should, however, try to get support from the
                                                           Government for such a venture, lobbying our
                                                           Members of Parliament could help. Governments
                                                           can help especially when a General Election

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