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                     BRIAN OWEN WRITES:

The lucky prize winners are as follows:                   Well it looks as if this could be the last
                                                          paper edition of this magazine, as it is
                                                          costing the BMAF a great deal of money as
                                                          it continues to trade at a substantial loss.
                                                          The reasons being a massive hike in postal
                                                          changes by the new free market Post

SEPTEMBER: Andrew Martin, Rachel Roberts,                 However, this decision has to be confirmed
Peter Rudzinski, David Sutcliffe, Nigel Wray              by the BMAF executive in January, should
& Mike Wren.                                              this be the case I would like to take the
OCTOBER: Alan Clevett, Andrew Johnson,                    opportunity of thanking the many
Walter McCaskey, Mike May, Peter Morgan,                  contributors for your input.
Miss E Wheeler,                                           Particularly , Alastair Aitken , Tony Crocker,
NOVEMBER: Mary Wixey, Irene Nicholls,                     Bridget Cushen, Maurice Doogan, Martin
Morgan Kelly, Arthur Kimber,                              Duff, Jeremy Hemming, Walter Hill, Mel
                                                          James, Arthur Kimber, Phillip Lee, Tom
Each month the first number drawn receives a cheque       Phillips, Lesley Richardson, Steve Smythe
for £125, while the 5 runners-up each receive a           and of course all the people at Hastings
cheque for £10.                                           Print.

Many thanks to all who have taken part, in particular     It does look as if the answer could be a web
to Nigel Wray, who has returned his winnings to the       based issue, however, we await whatever
BMAF and Alasdair Ross and Edwin Oxlade for their         decision is made.
kind donations.
                                                          It looks as though World Masters have no bidding
If anyone is interested in purchasing a share, which      cities at this point in time, as the closing
costs £15 per year, they can contact us on                deadline has been extended until the 20th of                                      December. So we will have to wait to see if the
                                                          final bidding process might include a British City.
PAGE 4► Fixtures, News.
PAGE 5► Chairman and                                      Well some people think a jog down to the paper
                                                          shop on a Sunday is a long way, but on the
                Secretary                                 21st of November, three Brits did very well in
PAGE 6► Article Tony Crocker                              Doha, Qatar running more than two Marathons.

               and Bill Davies.                           The World Masters 100k (62.1371 miles), saw
PAGE 9► Road Racing.                                      Steve Way British M40 Marathon record holder,
PAGE 13► Addresses.                                       take third place in the men’s race in 6h 57.23m,
PAGE 14►Track & Field                                     and if you think that is good the Women did even
PAGE 23► Cross Country.                                   better.

 THE PICTURES USED IN THIS                                Joasia Zakrzewski and Jo Meek finished a great
              ISSUE ARE BY                                British First and Second in the Women’s event,
                                                          9th and 10th overall in the Race. The times were
                 JEREMY HEMMING                           7h: 42.02m and 7h: 43.37. However, not a word in
                            the newspapers.

                     TOM PHILLIPS                         At the awards ceremony following the British &                        Irish Cross Country at Nottingham Trent
                                                          University Conference Centre. The presenters
                                                          had a great time handing out the awards, but
                                                          they did have the help of an all-time legend
                                                          (Robin Hood).

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