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Caroline M45 S1 (a) 1.Lincoln Campbell SCVAC 7.45; 2.Clive Morrison OPEN 7.46;
Powell set a 3.Rohan Samuel VAC 7.58; 4.Stephen Lightfoot NVAC 7.66; 5.Barrington
new World King SCVAC 8.01; 6.Keith Palmer EVAC DNS; S2 (a) 1.Ian Allen SWVAC
Record for 7.70; 2.Petros Anastasi SCVAC 7.86; 3.David Pearson SWVAC 8.03;
the second 4.Neil Middleton SCVAC 8.12; 5.Paul Stack SCVAC 8.16; Final (a) 1.Clive
time this Morrison OPEN 7.42; 2.Lincoln Campbell SCVAC 7.47; 3.Rohan Samuel
year! VAC 7.55; 4.Stephen Lightfoot NVAC 7.74; 5.Ian Allen SWVAC 7.78;
6.Petros Anastasi SCVAC 7.80; M50 S1 (a) 1.Martin Weetman MMAC 7.88;
The 3000m walk had Ian Richards do well with 14:34.99, but 2.Shane Sheridan IRL (G) 8.07; 3.John Barratt NVAC 8.11; 4.Peter Ilo
the quickest walker was M50 Francisco Reis, in 13:54.43. SCVAC 8.12; 5.Roy Nelson OPEN 8.19; 6.Michael May VAC 9.08; S2 (a)
The women’s race saw W40 Sabina Brown home first in 1.Masakatsu Kondo SCVAC 7.80; 2.G Reddington SCVAC 7.82; 3.John
17:14.98 from W55 Ann Wheeler’s 17:43.53. Statham MMAC 7.87; 4.Keith Powell WMAA 8.29; 5.Adrian Walley OPEN
Among a group of overseas guests Don Chambers went in 8.39; 6.Mark Thomas OPEN 8.69; Final: (a) 1.Masakatsu Kondo SCVAC
10 events in the M75 class and came away with a number of 7.76; 2.G Reddington SCVAC 7.80; 3.John Statham MMAC 7.81; 4.Shane
new Australian records. Elsewhere, Irishman Jo Gough Sheridan IRL (G) 8.00; 5.John Barratt NVAC 8.06; M55 FB (a) 1.Dominic
headed Oxland in the M60 800 on the second day with a Browne MMAC 8.33; 2.Ken Jackson SWVAC 8.46; 3.Tony Foster MMAC
European record of 2:14.49. 8.49; FA (a) 1.Kevin Burgess EVAC 7.78; 2.Peter Hickey NVAC 7.93;
3.Philip Clayton MMAC 8.25; 4.Clement Leon SCVAC 8.54; M60 FB (a)
a) Saturday 9th; b) Sunday 10th: 1.John Mcgarry SVHC 8.22; 2.Christopher Monk MMAC 8.24; 3.Geoffrey
60 metres: Kitchener VAC 8.75; 4.Rashpal Singh MMAC 9.27; 5.Allan Kenny NVAC
9.68; FA (a) 1.Alasdair Ross SCVAC 8.01; 2.Ray Watkins SCVAC 8.03;
M35 FB (a) 1.Andrew Gordon VAC 7.43; 2.Stuart Channon VAC 7.52; 3.Walwyn Franklyn SCVAC 8.05; 4.Simon Barrett SCVAC 8.38; 5.Adrian
3.Imam Qazi SWVAC 7.60; 4.Ben Gritz OPEN 7.67; FA (a) 1.Joshua Wood Essex SCVAC 8.58; M65: (a) 1.Vic Novell SCVAC 8.45; 2.Ian Foster EVAC
SCVAC 7.08; 2.Mark Collins EVAC 7.17; 3.Scott Craddock SCVAC 7.44; 8.63; 3.Lawrie Dunn MMAC 9.06;
4.Brendan Leahy IRL (G) 7.55; 1,Wood; 2. Collins; 3. Gordon; M40 S1 (a) M70: (a) 1.Patrick Forbes IRL (G) 8.69; 2.Allan Long VAC 8.75; 3.Charles
1.Jason Carty SCVAC 7.23; 2.Martin White MMAC 7.57; 3.Guy Giffin Isetts VAC 9.19; 4.Barry Ferguson VAC 9.86; 5.John Moon NVAC 10.28;
SCVAC 7.81; 4.Simon Routledge OPEN 7.91; 5.Nick Lauder VAC 8.22; S2 6.Geoff Hudson MMAC 10.40; M75: (a) 1.Tony Bowman NVAC 9.27;
(a) 1.Joe Appiah SCVAC 7.30; 2.Jim Tipper MMAC 7.33; 3.Mark Lawrence 2.Alan Carter EVAC 9.29; 3.Donald Chambers AUS (G) 9.52; 4.Colin Field
MMAC 7.46; 4.David Swalwell VAA-NE 7.78; 5.Mike Smith SCVAC 7.79; SCVAC 9.63; 5.John Evans MMAC 10.40; M80: (a) 1.George Cheetham
6.Michael Bense RSA (G) 7.99;Final (a) 1.Jason Carty SCVAC 7.12; 2.Jim MMAC 10.08; 2.Geoffrey Feast VAC 11.18; 3.Cliff Taylor VAC 11.51;
Tipper MMAC 7.29; 3.Joe Appiah SCVAC 7.36; 4.Mark Lawrence MMAC 4.Hubert Daniels WMAA 11.84; W35: (a) 1.Ellena Ruddock MMAC 7.78;
7.59; 5.Martin White MMAC 7.66; 6.David Swalwell VAA-NE 7.85; 2.Helen Channon VAC 7.98; 3.Latisha Moulds USA (G) 7.99; 4.Sally
Ludlow OPEN 10.06; W40: FB (a) 1.Andrea Gaynor SCVAC 8.60; 2.Katy
Michelle Thomas has won Commonwealth and World University Games Williams MMAC 9.07; 3.Amanda Wale WMAA 9.21; 4.Margaret Pope VAC
relay medals (from left to right – Fiona Davidson, Louise Oliver, Michelle 9.59; 5.Lesley Richardson SCVAC 9.75; FA (a) 1.Michelle Thomas WMAA
Thomas, Kathryn Miles & Melanie Brown.) 8.30; 2.Fiona Davidson SVHC 8.32; 3.Louise Oliver MMAC 8.38; 4.Melanie
Brown EVAC 8.76; 5.Kathryn Miles SCVAC 8.82; W45 FB (a) 1.Karen
Hindle EVAC 8.70; 2.Rachel Waters SCVAC 8.86; 3.Euphemia Scott
SCVAC 9.46; 4.Clare Nelson SCVAC 9.83; FA (a) 1.Angela Bates VAC
8.57; 2.Kay Reynolds SCVAC 8.61; 3.Monica Brown EVAC 8.64; 4.Julie
Money NVAC 8.65; 5.Christine Taylor MMAC 8.76; W50 FB (a) 1.Sue
Wisdom SCVAC 9.11; 2.Lesley Willis MMAC 9.13; 3.Angela Kelly NVAC
9.20; 4.Susan Richardson NVAC 9.64; FA (a) 1.Kirstin King SCVAC 8.41;
2.Averil Mcclelland NVAC 8.98; 3.Gaye Clarke EVAC 9.14; 4.Jan Ellacott
SWVAC 9.17; 1. King; 2. Mcclelland; 3. Wisdom; W55: (a) 1.Caroline
Powell SWVAC 8.75; 2.Carole Filer EVAC 8.88; 3.Carol Alker EVAC 9.49;
4.Christine Clements SCVAC 9.68; 5.Christine Salvary SCVAC 9.92; W60:
(a) 1.Moira West SCVAC 9.42; 2.Emily Mcmahon VAC 9.65; 3.Sally Hine
MMAC 9.90; 4.Anne Nelson SCVAC 10.09; 5.Avis Cowley SCVAC 10.13;
6.Lyn Ahmet SCVAC 10.36;
W70: (a) 1.Iris Holder SCVAC 10.57; 2.Ann Bolitho SCVAC 11.03; 3.Mary
Axtell SCVAC 11.18; W75: (a) 1.Dorothy Mclennan EVAC 13.36;
200 Metres
M35: S1 (b) 1.Mark Collins EVAC 24.17; 2.Leon Creaney OPEN 24.40;
3.Robert North MMAC 24.41; 4.Stuart Channon VAC 24.69; 5.Paul North
MMAC 25.11; S2: (b) 1.Matthew Muggeridge SWVAC 24.24; 2.Brendan
Leahy IRL (G) 24.27; 3.Imam Qazi SWVAC 25.22; 4.Andrew Gordon VAC
25.94; 5.Mark Davies NVAC 26.14; Final (b) 1.Mark Collins EVAC 23.56;
2.Brendan Leahy IRL (G) 23.96; ; 3.Matthew Muggeridge SWVAC 24.08;
4.Leon Creaney OPEN 24.40; 5.Stuart Channon VAC 24.62; 6.Robert
M40 FB (b) 1.David Swalwell VAA-NE 25.83; 2.Michael Bense RSA (G)
26.66; 3.Kwadjo Adjepong OPEN 26.75; 4.Simon Routledge OPEN 26.83;
FA (b) 1.Jim Tipper MMAC 23.57; 2.Brian Darby MMAC 23.83; 3.Martin
White MMAC 24.75; 4.Peter Benedickter EVAC 25.49; M45 FB (b) 1.Mark
White OPEN 25.98; 2.Lance Croft EVAC 26.71; 3.Antony Babbs EVAC
27.01; 4.Neil Middleton SCVAC 27.25; FA (b) 1.Stephen Lightfoot NVAC
24.92; 2.Ian Allen SWVAC 25.07; 3.Leeroy Golding NVAC 25.54; 4.Petros
Anastasi SCVAC 25.57; 5.Keith Palmer EVAC 27.11; M50 S1 (b) 1.Neil
Tunstall SWVAC 25.43; 2.G Reddington SCVAC 25.61; 3.John Statham
MMAC 26.03; 4.Christopher Ashmore MMAC 26.75; 5.Ty Holden SCVAC
26.94; 6.David Richardson SWVAC 28.92; S2 (b) 1.Ricky Huskisson EVAC
25.16; 2.William Mckeever USA (G) 25.92; 3.Shane Sheridan IRL (G)
26.66; 4.Stuart White VAC 27.32; 5.Michael May VAC 30.44; Final: (b)
1.Ricky Huskisson EVAC 24.84; 2.Neil Tunstall SWVAC 25.38; 3.G
Reddington SCVAC 25.51; 4.John Statham MMAC 25.99; 5.William
Mckeever USA (G) DNF; M55: (b) 1.Peter Hickey NVAC 25.25; 2.Tennyson
James EVAC 25.57; 3.Ian Broadhurst WMAA 25.63; 4.Ivars Licietis EVAC
26.71; 5.Clement Leon SCVAC 27.88;
M60 FB (b) 1.Peter Mould MMAC 26.46; 2.Geoffrey Kitchener VAC 28.82;
3.Bruce Hendrie MMAC 30.32; FA (b) 1.Alasdair Ross SCVAC 26.04;
2.Ray Watkins SCVAC 26.09; 3.Walwyn Franklyn SCVAC 26.52; 4.John
Mcgarry SVHC 27.26;1. Ross; 2. Watkins; 3. Mould; M65: (b) 1.Vic Novell
SCVAC 28.14; 2.Terry Bissett SCVAC 28.35; 3.Derek Wardle VAC 28.65;
4.Ian Foster EVAC 28.79; 5.Richard Somers VAC 30.33; M70: (b) 1.Patrick
Forbes IRL (G) 30.01; 2.Charles Isetts VAC 31.88; 3.Roger Bruck SCVAC
32.83; 4.David Haines SCVAC 34.75; M75: (b) 1.Alan Carter EVAC 31.00;
2.Tony Bowman NVAC 31.46; 3.Donald Chambers AUS (G) 32.69; 4.Colin
Field SCVAC 33.70; 5.Rodney Mills NVAC 40.28;
M80: (b) 1.George Cheetham MMAC 36.34; 2.Hubert Daniels WMAA
43.72; W35: (b) 1.Ellena Ruddock MMAC 25.25; 2.Latisha Moulds USA (G)
26.56; 3.Helen Channon VAC 26.69; W40: (b) 1.Sharon Greenwood NVAC
27.26; 2.Louise Oliver MMAC 27.92; 3.Amanda Wale WMAA 29.05; 4.Katy
Williams MMAC 30.66; 5.Lesley Richardson SCVAC 34.02; W45: (b)