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However, the Nene Valley Harrier was behind at                        Individually the runs of Martin Williams, Gordon Lee, Roy

21km but came though at a more even pace after                        Treadwell, Martin Rees and Lucy Elliott were particularly
84:44 a 13.1M split.                                                  noteworthy but Martin Duff, who has attended most of the
                                                                      relays over the years and who compiles the Relay stats for

Zina Marchant made a winning return to London,                        the BMAF, claims despite some good individual
after eight years away, to take the W60n class and                    performances, the event appears to be dying with just 122
was always well clear after going through the half-                   teams finishing the eight races.
marathon point in 97:35. She then hung on to win in                   Clearly, the age group change in the men’s event from

3:29:33.                                                              traditional M40s, M50s and M60s hasn’t helped but that’s

                                                                      unlikely to be changed back. However, it does seem not

                                                                      many clubs can now finish teams of eight and six and the

The men’s age groups were weaker this year as Paul                    event might benefit from being shortened.

Marchant took the masters prize money with 2:27:29                    M35 race
after a first half split of 72:22. M45 Wayne Lincoln
was next master over the line in 2:28:35.                             Thames Hare And Hounds set a new M35 record, but
Brits failed to win three men’s age groups, but                       despite the benefit of some younger runners, it was four
Wigan’s John Whittington was a good M65 winner in                     minutes down on Bristol’s winning M40 time in 2005. They
3:10:22.                                                              didn’t dominate the first half though.

M40: 1 P Marchant (Roth) 2:27:29; 2 J Balzan (MLT) 2:29:43; 3 R                 Martin
Hope (VP&TH) 2:32:39.
M45: 1 W Lincoln (Norw) 2:28:35; 2 S Hall (DSFRS) 2:29:10; 3 M                  Williams
Smith (Bourt) 2:32:55.
M50: 1 J Haberkorn (USA) 2:41:19; 2 A Green (Warr) 2:43:28; 3 A                 Fastest
Clements (Poole) 2:44:31.
M55: 1 S Calderwood (USA) 2:49:29; 2 L Hita (ESP) 2:53:47; 3 S Low              Male Leg
(B’water) 2:57:56.
M60: 1 G Vilcocq (FRA) 2:59:46; 2 J Bateman (RRC) 3:0303; 3 G              Tipton’s Martin Williams was taking part in his first master’s
Ruffell (Hart) 3:06:55.                                                    event and it was an impressive debut. He had been
M65: 1 J Whittington (Wig) 3:10:22; 2 W Clews (unatt) 3:13:51; 3 M         Tipton’s fastest short leg in their senior 12-stage relay team
Casey (Wolds) 3:18:39.                                                     of 14:47 and here he ran a similar time with 14:52, which
M70: 1 J Gardner (Pemb) 3:30:26; 2 J Kane (Win) 3:32:06; 3 J               easily stood up as the fastest time of the day.
Wheatley (Col H) 3:51:51.                                                  Mike Hager, who is 27 years older than Williams, ran a fine
M75: 1 G Brown (Liv) 4:06:57; 2 J Langman (N’brook) 4:15:52; 3 T           16:27 on leg two but was overtaken by Aldershot’s Mark
Harrison (Read RR) 4:37:35.                                                Greenwood who timed 15:54. Hallamshire and Les
M80: 1 R Walsh (Wesh) 4:34:52                                              Croupiers were battling for the bronze medals with the
W40: 1 H Haining (Kilb) 2:36:52; 2 D Appleton (Hav M) 2:48:48; 3 S         former’s Tom Jenkins running the fastest leg by some
Swinhoe (Lon H) 2:52:02.                                                   distance with 15:25.
W45: 1 P Taylor (Nene V) 2:50:39; 2 S McDonald (S Lon) 2:55:15; 3 F        Tad Dicker kept Aldershot ahead with a 16:51 but Thames’
Maycock (Bel) 2:55:29.                                                     Andy Weir moved up from fifth to second with a 16:05
W50: 1 A Paul (Derry) 3:01:43; 2 T Johnson (Dews) 3:06:47; 3 S             clocking, which was comfortably the best M35 run on the
Harrison Wok) 3:10:41.                                                     leg.
W55: 1 V Perry (Alt) 3:03:45 Br Rec; 2 C Langlace (FRA) 3:04:06; 3 L
Leggett (Denby D) 3:10:31.                                                 Tipton moved back up to third, a single second ahead of
W60: 1 Z Marchant (T Bath) 3:29:33; 2 C Taylor (unatt) 3:34:27; 3 C        Hallamshire.
Steward (Dulw R) 3:35:46.                                                  At the halfway stage, Thames moved into the lead through
W65: 1 S Nicholls (Burn) 3:40:07; 2 S Gibson (Darl) 3:47:53; 3 D           49 year-old Ben Reynolds and the National M45 Masters
Henderson (unatt) 4:05:04.                                                 champion’s15:37 and gave them a near minute lead over
W70: 1 J Jenkins (N For) 4:25:45; 2 A McGhee (Serp) 4:31:36; 3 R           Tipton, for whom Phil Clamp ran 16:28
Armstrong (Donc) 4:42:08.                                                  Aldershot lost ground as Rugby’s Michael Aldridge took
W75: 1 E Draper (Gard CR) 4:59:11; 2 E Noble (Bex) 6:04:37; 3 S            close on two minutes off them with a 15:11 to move within
Cannell (unatt) 6:05:16                                                    five seconds of a medal.
                                                                           Fifth leg times weren’t particularly fast and Brian Thursby-
BRITISH MASTERS ROAD                                                       Pelham found a 16:12 stretched Thames’ lead to almost
RELAY, SUTTON PARK,                                                        two minutes from Tipton as Les Croupiers moved into third,
ROYAL SUTTON                                                               21 seconds back on Tipton.The big move came from Gary
COLDFIELD, 18thMAY                                                         Pennington who moved Preston up seven places with the
2013 (3 mile Lap).                                                         fastest leg of 15:29.
                                                                           John McFarlane’s 15:57 on leg six opened up a few more
Words: Steve Smythe.                                                       seconds from Tipton while Les Croupiers Rob Sage ran
Pictures: Jeremy Hemming                                                   16:00 to move within eight seconds of the second place
Honours were shared at a cool and breezy Sutton                            A long way back, defending champions Highgate were
         Park as eight events saw eight different winners.                 quickest through Ben Pochee’s 15:18 but their early legs
         Thames Hare and Hounds and Serpentine were the
winners of the respective M35 and W35 races though                    15
arguably the most impressive victories were achieved by
the squads of Leicester’s M45’s, Oxford’s M65’s and
Winchester’s W45’s.

However, while there were plenty of good performances
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