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into his Seventies. He literally spent hours working for Jack made friends easily wherever he went and gave
the sport including a long stretch on the early issues of generously to the sport but took nothing away.
this magazine. Jack organised the popular annual Members travelled up from Devon, Somerset and the
Mitcham 25k road race for over 30 years. Home Counties to his funeral in London.
On behalf of athletes and Officials of all ages
everywhere: Thank You, Jack Frederick Fitzgerald, it is
committed people like you who leave a real legacy and
we are all fitter and healthier due to your foresight and
commitment. Rest in Peace.
He travelled the World with the Veterans, competing SECRETARY’S
on all six Continents. When the European Veterans REPORT
Track & Field Championships were held in Poznan, BRIDGET
Poland, in 2006 he made a point of visiting Park CUSHEN
Cytadela graveyard to sign the Visitors Book at the
War graves dedicated to the 50 escapees and Allied May I remind all members that the AGM will
Forces featured in the film “The Great Escape”. It was be held on Saturday 14 September on the
Jack who also took the first group of runners to the eve of the Track & Field Championships in
annual Brugge Veterans 25km road races, up to 700 the Alexander Stadium. All members are entitled
members made the annual pilgrimage to that now to attend and vote. Any nominations for Council
defunct event. or Proposals should be sent through your BMAF
club to the Hon. Secretary by 14 August.
He was nominated for an Honour but did not get it.
Jack was still running three marathons per year in his José Waller has broken many British and World
Seventies. He switched latterly to race walking, age group track and road records during her
constantly getting the Red Card under the Straight extraordinary running career, but I wonder if she
Knee Rule, but he carried on. His last overseas trip can now claim another as the oldest active club
was to the European Veterans Indoor in Ancona, Italy President? The 91-year old was elected
in 2009 where he won a bronze medal in the M85-89 President of Teinbridge Trotters at their recent
Age Category 3km and 5km walks. AGM.
He was incredible strong mentally and physically. The On a cold windy 9 June sprinter Alan Carter and
roof of his ex-Council flat collapsed in on him at 02.00 Dorothy Mclennan bravely took on all comers in
a.m. on a wet winter night leaving him staring at the an open 60m sprint challenge on tarmac by the
clouds and the shard remains of his furniture; the Olympic Stadium. Local residents were invited by The
shock would have killed any Octogenarian but Jack View Tube where Alex Rotas’s Photographic Exhibition
shrugged it off saying “I thought I was back in the Blitz was showing. I was amazed to see a few families turn
again!” After celebrating his 90th birthday in hospital, up. Both our Septuagenarians ran brilliantly; Alan’s
he fought off a bout of pneumonia and killer winter race against guys less than half his age resulted in a
infections, nursing staff were amazed at his agility and photo finish!
leg strength.
Heinz-Arno Kuppers was killed when his car hit a tree
near Aachen in June and burst into flames. The body
of the 2009 World M55 triple jump champion (12.41m)
and former German international was only identified by
DNA. If you were watching the finish of the Boston
Marathon when the bomb exploded, you might have
identified the grey-haired red vested man scrambling
back on his feet within metres of the finish as Bill
Iffring, the 78 year old American finished 3rd in the 5
and 10,000m at the last World Championships in