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BMAF XC RELAYS 25th October
Words: Mel James.
Pictures: Jeremy Hemming
Venue: DERBY.

Once again a fine day awaited the club teams arriving to
            contest the 17th BMAF Cross Country Relays. With an
            overcast morning and despite some heavy overnight
            rain the superb Derby course looked in perfect
condition for the days races.

                                                                              Julie Briggs
                                                                              fastest W45

                                          Lisa Palmer                     Wolverhampton & Bilston now held 3rd place within the 35+
                                          fastest W35                     women’s age group. In the battle for second spot in the 45+
                                                                          women, West Suffolk held just a 2 second lead over Arena 80, but
The first race. Women’s age groups, 35+, 45+, 55+and 65+.                 this was over a minute down on the leaders. Rotherham HAC also
with Men 65+.                                                             maintained their healthy o/65 Men’s lead.
1st Stage.
The first team home was Charnwood AC’s o/35 team, Claire Smith            3rd Stage.
finishing with a 15 metre lead from Staffs Moorland’s Kerry               The 35+ Teams showed their prowess on this leg, with Clare Elms
Marchant. Dulwich Runners secured their third place by a mere             bringing Dulwich Runners home for their Gold Medals. Sheffield
2 seconds just managing to hold off the fast finishing Bristol &          RC held on to their position for the Silver Medals whilst Heanor R
West o/45 team lead by Sarah Everitt. West Suffolk ‘s over 45             C’s Lisa Palmer not only brought them into the Bronze position,
team held second spot, with Rotherham’s men’s over 65 team,               but produced the fastest Women’s stage of the day. (11.24)
led by Mick Masters finishing 2 seconds behind them, to build             Within the 45+ age group, Bristol & West AC safely held on to
quite a substantial lead from second place battlers Salford and           their lead, to secure their Gold Medals and Arena 80’s Julie Briggs,
Oxford City. Bingley Harrier’s 55+ and Wymondham AC ‘s 65+                produced the quickest 45+ stage of the day, (11.31) to earn them
were leading their respective age groups, with Wymondham’s                the Silver medals, with West Suffolk AC receiving the Bronze
Cindy Burgess setting the fastest over 65 stage of the day. (17.37)       medals. Rotherham’s Bob Tintinger produced the quickest 65+
                                                                          stage of the day whilst bringing his team home for their Gold’s,
2nd Stage.                                                                (12.15) with Oxford City AC and Salford Harriers A in the Silver
Some very fine runs on this stage changed the leading order.              and Bronze positions. In the W55+ age group, Sue Becconsall ran
Bristol & West’s over 45’s now had a 20 second lead over their            the quickest stage in that age group (12.54) to bring Bingley HAC
younger rivals. Clare Joliffe finishing ahead of new 35+ leaders,         safely home for their Gold Medals, with the Silver and Bronzes
Dulwich Runners. Their Ola Balme was closely followed by Sue              going to Cannock & Staffs AC and Clayton le Moors Harriers.
Atkinson from new 2nd placers, Sheffield RC.                              Wymondham AC made history on the day, as the first over 65
                                                                          women’s team to receive BMAF cross country relay medals.

                                                                          Race Two. Men’s teams 35+ (5 Stages) 45+ (5 Stages) and 55+ (4

                                                                          Stage One.
                                                                          The leading club on completion of stage one, was Coventry
                                                                          Godiva, thanks to a superb run from Scott Hazel, they had just a
                                                                          2 second gap over Mansfield H & AC, with Alan Smith keeping
                                                                          them in contention. Charnwood AC’s Gary Burnett put them into
                                                                          third position.

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