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British Masters Athletics Federation
Organised by Welsh Masters AA under UKA & BMAF rules.
Saturday March 14th, 2015 at 12.00
(Men and Women over 35 years of age on race day)
Race Headquarters: Ruthin School, Ruthin, Denbighshire LL15 1EE
Race start: 12 noon Women and M65+ (approx 6Km) 1.00pm M35-64 (approx 8Km).
ENTRY FEES Members of a Masters/Veterans association £10
All other competitors £13
NB Non-BMAF members require proof of age eg. birth certificate/driving licence/passport photocopy
BMAF Individual Awards to the first 3 in each 5 year age group
BMAF Team Awards for the 1st 3 teams (3 to count)
W35-44 W45-54 W55-64 W65-74 W75+ M35-44 M45-54 M55-64 M65-74 M75+
Runners who wish to count for a younger team please declare this on the entry form.
Late team declaration accepted on day at Race HQ.
Send completed entry form with correct postage on envelope to:-
BMAF Cross Country Championship, 15 West Avenue, Prestatyn, Denbighshire LL19 9EY
Cheques payable to Prestatyn Running Club Closing date 7th March 2015 No entries
on day
BMAF 2015 Open Cross Country Championship Entry Form
Surname...................................... First name...................................M/F.............
Age on 14th March 2015....... .......D.O.B.............................Age Group..................
.......................................................................................Postcode ..................
Tel No:..................................... email address....................................................
First claim UK Athletics Club................................................................................
Masters/Veteran Association (eg.WMAA)......................................Mem.No...................
Circle age band
Younger team declaration W35-44 W45-54 W55-64 W65+ M35-44 M45-54 M55-64 M65+
I wish to be entered for the above championships. I agree that the organisers shall not be
liable for any accident, loss or damage whatsoever caused or as consequence of my
participation in this event.