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pecans and Brazil nuts all provide risk free protection. Mild do well. We have got to Focus in our training, Focus in our
amounts of sunshine are good but using sun-tan protection warm up preparations before our event starts. Focus on
creams is essential – in men over the age of 60 skin cancers producing that best performance we know are capable of,
have increased by 12% in recent years. This is worth provided our minds and bodies remember the golden rule:
remembering if coaching youngsters, or still out there on the Focus
beach at 35+. Kate Lay reports that eight out of ten heart
attacks could be prevented by healthier living, including regular MOCK TRIAL at
exercising every day for about 40 minutes – whether this is Edgbaston Cricket
walking, running, cycling and keeping our weight down. Her Ground- Mel James
research was based on 20,271 Swedish men over 11 years.
Similar results were also reported with regards to ladies by Representing the Federation, Maurice Doogan and I
Professor Agneta Akesson of the Swedish Institute of attended this “mock trial” in February.
Environmental Medicine, in September 2014. Further research
findings from a study which started in 1979 at the University of There were over 35 different sports represented
Cardiff has been based on following the lives of 2500 young amongst a few hundred attendees.
Welsh men. Peter Elwood – the Research Director report that
those who exercised regularly, stayed slim, ate plenty of Although the whole proceeding was condensed to a
vegetables and drank alcohol in moderation are 60% less likely morning and afternoon session, a normal claims case
to have already died from heart attacks, 60% less likely to have of this type would possibly have taken up to 3 days to
dementia, 40% less likely less had any form of cancer and reach a decision.
there were 70% fewer cases of diabetes. A group of them,
(now in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s), met government experts on The witness and claimant roles were performed by
the 31st of October this year (2014) to discuss the benefits of local actors, with the Barristers and QC’s qualified
their lifestyles. within their roles as litigation specialists dealing with
the sports injury and negligence section of law.
Similarly in a study at Cardiff University, lasting 35 years so far, Although it was a fictitious claim case, the proceedings
2500 men in South Wales have been followed since 1979. were undertaken as authentically as any legal court claim.
(Latest report: 31st of October 2014), The ones who are living
the longest, healthiest lives, exercise regularly, eat plenty of The “claimant” was a student that helped out the village
vegetables, don’t smoke, and drink less than two glasses of cricket team by grass cutting the outfield for them. His only
wine a day. Peter Elwood, the leader of this research project remuneration for this was some snacks and drinks. He was
points to the 40% who followed none of these simple unfortunately struck on the head by a cricket ball, which had
behaviours. They hit health problems at a much younger age passed through a gap in the training nets. His claim was for
than those who did. Julia Ward of The British Heart Foundation missing a year’s study plus help from his mother and
also points out that following the rules “What to do”, is medications, a total of £13,308.
undertake regular healthy exercise, plus eating a wide range of
vegetables and fruit, significantly reduces the risks of heart (During the trial, we were supplied with an electronic voting
attacks and strokes. Professor John Newton, of Public Health hand set that could, with our answers to set questions,
England points out that being overweight, not exercising, not decide what the majority of attendees predicted as the final
eating healthy vegetables but having regular drinking and outcome of the trial)
smoking habits greatly increases the likelihood of dying early.
The Cricket Club (similarly to many clubs) did not take up the
SO, healthy living is sensible; but what about not only being offer of paying the extra cover of employer’s liability, but the
healthily active but also being a competitive master athlete? insurers were confident that the claimant was not employed.
Performing well and beating the enemy? How often having a The Cricket Club also failed to inform the insurers that a
chat with friends before competing as a veteran helps us to claim was imminent between renewals of the old and new
forget they are our competition enemies? Does it matter if we policies. (Every club or organisation is only as proficient as
don’t do as well as we hoped/expected? Yes it does. We need its weakest link)
to ask ourselves “did we focus on our own total preparation for
the competition we are due to start in only one hour’s time?” The batsman that hit the ball through the net, “Slogger”, had
Or, did we meet lots of national or international friends and actually lapsed on his annual membership, but still played for
have a happy chat? the team, due to his value as a high run scoring batsman.
Therefore there were lots of anomalies to consider within the
So, the good news for all those thirty-four year old kids bursting trial.
with excitement because they will soon be master athletes. To begin with, the voting of the “audience/gallery” that the
According to a new report in the Lancet, researches led by claim against the club’s negligence would be proven was
Professor Andrew Steptoe of University College London show 75%. After the first session, which involved questioning the
that you will regain your youthful feelings of well-being by the claimant and the bar attendant, the voting percentage of a
time you reach your sixties – if you hold on to your involvement successful claim dropped to 58%.
in physical health activities – such as sport. You will be less
likely to suffer from depression, less likely to suffer from heart The defence QC began the afternoon session by questioning
problems caused by increased blood pressure/clots, more “Slogger “plus the head coach, the club captain and the
likely to enjoy the social advantages of sporting relationships grounds man. They all agreed that no hole or gap was
and the purpose in life this brings. Additionally, most of us will visible on net examination during or on the original set up of
live longer than the rest of our age group. So make sure you the nets. The club also kept a “Net Assessment Log”, with
join the 60+ athletes who are already out there brimming with thorough checks 3 times a year and ad hoc inspections
happiness and looking forward to Brian publishing the British before and after each session. As the nets were coloured
and World records for athletes over 90 and 100 that we are black and sturdy in construction, it would be easy to notice
aiming to break. There’s everything to live for.
Importantly: we need to act upon the knowledge sport has
belatedly discovered. We aren’t in track and field athletics
competitions in order to relax; we are there because we want to