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Saunders-Mullins W62 SCVAC 23.68m; W70: 677 Elizabeth Sissons My first impression on arriving in Torun was the
W70 SCVAC 19.76m ; M35: Darren Towart M37 NEMAA 32.71m ; M45: convenient siting on the edge of town of what
130 David Hunt M47 VAC 33.62m ; M50 : 1 221 Stuart Ryan M52 proved to be one of the best Indoor facilities we
NEMAA 43.14m ; 2 180 David Burrell M50 OPEN 40.71m ; 3 210 Samuel have so far encountered. Completed last August; adjacent
Moylan M50 SCVAC 31.07m ; M55 : 1 286 Keith Seldon M57 VAC to an 8-lane outdoor track with separate throwing area, a
35.77m ; 2 248 Robert Broadbridge M55 SWVAC 31.55m ; M60 : 1 304 coniferous wood and within walking distance of all hotels, it
John Blackwell M64 EVAC 28.48m ; 2 313 Tony Gair M61 NEMAA met all other criteria - food outlets, ample parking and easy
27.34m; M65: 365 Mike Hazlewood M69 NVAC 32.94m ; M70: 1 396 access from major roads and had no difficulty
Duncan Chappell M71 OPEN 37.87m ; 2 410 David Kuester M70 MMAC accommodating 2,409 competitors from 42 countries who
29.59m ; 3 400 John Gilbert M71 VAC 25.28m ; 4 403 Brian Harlick M72 entered a total 4,887 events. Well organised with a hoard of
SCVAC 21.80m ; M75: 444 Brian Webb M78 WMAA 16.94m; friendly young volunteers, the Polish Masters have raise the
organisational bar. The media coverage featured a live TV
OUTDOOR WIEGHT stream as well as some coverage on the national channels
W40: 1 544 Leanne Taylor W40 WMAA 11.18m ; 2 529 Sue Lawrence and the Press.
W44 SCVAC 10.51m ; 3 522 Catherine Alford W42 WMAA 9.34m ; 4 530
Nicola Long W40 MMAC 5.04m ; W50 : 1 612 Janet Smith W50 SCVAC For our 233-strong team ranging in ages 35 through to M95,
13.02m ; 2 618 Julie Wilson W52 SCVAC 11.23m ; 3 601 Karen Llewellin it was a very, very successful and enjoyable trip, returning
W51 WMAA 9.83m ; 4 615 Kim Weir W53 VAC 9.82m ; 5 596 Karen home with a haul of 155 medals and several Seasons Best
Jones W54 SWVAC 9.66m ; 6 587 Wendy Dunsford W54 EVAC 8.27m performances. Germany again had the biggest team but the
W55; 1 625 Claire Cameron W56 SVHC 9.43m; 2 632 Brenda Russell host nation’s large entry included 19 Olympians as hosting
W56 EVAC 9.16m; W60: 1 654 Vilma Thompson W63 SCVAC 11.72m; this event engendered huge interest. But despite the size of
2 642 Susan Dassie W62 SCVAC 10.11m ; W65 ; 669 Barbara Terry the German and Polish teams we managed second place in
W69 SCVAC 9.79m ; W70 : 1 677 Elizabeth Sissons W70 SCVAC the medal table. The results are below, and on our website
10.30m ; 2 673 Trish Hill W74 EVAC 9.05m ; W75: 682 Anne Martin W79 and the complete results can be accessed through
EVAC 8.37m ; M35: 37 Stuart Thurgood M38 EVAC 15.71m; M40: 1 69
Ricky Housley M44 NVAC 8.20m ; M45: 1 157 John Twiddle M46 NVAC
9.90m ; 2 123 David Glendower M47 WMAA 8.23m ; M50: 1 233 Steven
Whyte M50 EVAC 21.12m (=BRITISH RECORD); 2 180 David Burrell
M50 OPEN 17.03m ; 3 225 Anthony Tipping M53 VAC 14.91m ; 4 210
Samuel Moylan M50 SCVAC 10.61m ; M55: 1 248 Robert Broadbridge
M55 SWVAC 15.56m ; 2 275 John Moreland M56 MMAC 14.71m ; 3 242
Michael Bale M58 SCVAC 12.38m ; 4 253 Ian Cooley M57 NVAC
11.20m ; 5 250 Jim Burke M59 EVAC 10.74m ; M60: 1 339 Clive
Thomson M63 SCVAC 13.26m ; 2 336 John Stevens M63 SCVAC
13.21m ; 3 304 John Blackwell M64 EVAC 12.75m ; 4 315 Clive Howell
M61 MMAC 12.57m ; 5 321 Timothy Needham M62 EVAC 11.83m ; 6
330 Tim Saunders-Mullins M61 SCVAC 11.63m ; M65 ; 1 363 Barry
Hawksworth M68 MMAC 16.56m ; 2 365 Mike Hazlewood M69 NVAC
12.10m ; 3 375 Bill Renshaw M65 MMAC 11.75m ; 4 354 Mike Bourcier-
Mayo M65 SWVAC 11.73m ; M70 :1 391 Eric Barker M72 SCVAC
16.28m ; 2 410 David Kuester M70 MMAC 14.54m ; 3 400 John Gilbert
M71 VAC 12.50m ; 4 409 Richard Jegou M70 MMAC 10.79m ; 5 403
Brian Harlick M72 SCVAC 9.99m ; 6 423 Richard Turner M73 OPEN
7.99m ; M75 : 433 Jack Kee M75 EVAC 15.17m ; M80 : 454 Ian Miller
M80 EVAC 13.14m;
EUROPEAN MASTERS L ouiseR udd w onthe
23RD -28TH MARCH, w ellasthe3000 in
TORUÑ, POLAND W 35.W hilst
Words: Bridget Cushen (704)JoL ockerw on
boththe1500 and
Pictures: Tom phillips. 3000 intheW 40.
On the first day, centre field was a hive of activity with a nail
biting women’s W35 and W40 high jump competition, men’s
long jump, 3000m finals and the 400m heats in the first