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    SOUTHERN VETERANS XC                                     Julian Critchlow, who usually is conservative at the
           CHAMPIONSHIPS                                     start, decided that there was a narrow bit near the start
                                                             and sharp corners on the course so, he would have to
Claybury Woodford December 8th                               go a bit harder than usual to begin with, in order to see
          WORDS & QUOTES                                     ahead of him.

ALASTAIR AITKEN.                                             He quickly found he had a 10 metre lead, which
                                                             increased throughout most of the race, until Iain

Andy Morgan-Lee, the British Masters 2012 M40                Campbell, started to make inroads into his lead in the
        Champion, had a lead of 50 metres when he            stretch, when Campbell was trying hard to get away
        went off course in the middle of the M40-49 race.    from Vieturs Dude who had been running with him for
"I went left instead of right, when I was working hard. It   most of the way up to then.

looked the same as it did going further on when you go       JULIAN CRITCHLOW said "I first came into athletics
left through the woods."                                     when I was studying at the teacher training college at

However his advantage was increased by a couple of           London University. I had been a cyclist up to then but I
minutes and despite coming through the finish, very          was invited to run in a Cross-Country race and I wore
well clear, he was disqualified by the referee. "I did feel  my Dunlop 'Green Flash' plimsolls and won it.
the British Masters win one of my best races,but I felt I    I then found out when I went out training, it took only an
had let my clubmates down today."                            hour as opposed to 3 hours on the bike, which
                                                             appealed to me. I tried the triathlon but my swimming

Although Thames Hare & Hounds would have had a               was not quite good enough"

clear win, as they also had Ben Reynolds and Andy            He continued "In September this year I was doing a
Weir in their team. It is a very excusable mistake by        long Sunday run of 2hrs 10minuts and was bit tired.
Andy as can happen to clear leaders in cross-country         I did not notice in the road, some rusted tire rings the
events.                                                      same colour as the road,and put both feet in them and

In the race after a mile or so, Lee-Morgan, Reynolds,        fell 'Slap' straight on to the road.
Jeff Pyrah and Chris Beecham were a quartet well             I broke bones in my hand that are still swollen three
ahead of the rest. After the first big lap it was Lee-       months after but my knees are now recovered after
Morgan and Reynolds breaking away with Pyrah and             some time off. I am so glad to be back running again. I
Beecham together. Lee-Morgan then pulled away from           am two years into my age group."

his clubmate prior to going off course.                      He mentioned the most important thing currently for

The First Six were:-1 Ben Reynolds M45 (Thames Hare          him. "It is my coaching at Watford Harriers.
& Hounds) 34.16; 2 Jeff Pyrah (Hastings Athletic Club)       Things are really starting to happen at Watford
34.41; 3 Chris Beecham (Highgate Harriers) 34.55; 4          Harriers.It is all a great success because the runners,of
Paul Bell (Kent AC) 35:28; 5 Keith Miller (David Lloyd       all standards, are staying in the club and the group I am
Medway Runners) 35.39; 6 Steve Norris (Thames                involved with has increased from a dozen to start with
Valley Harriers, the Vets AC Champion) 35.42.                to 60 now."

Chris Beecham pointed out "I have won Southern team             About the race at Claybury"I was thinking to myself as I
medals over the years but I was delighted to get my first       was going round. Always talking about pace judgement,
individual Southern medal", sixty finished.                     threshold and style and technique. You have got to
                                                                listen to what you are telling others, otherwise you can't
Teams 1 (Colchester Harriers) 37; 2 Kent AC 42; 3               hold any credibility!
London Heathside 45.                                            I came here with thoughts of getting round, and
                                                                possibly getting a medal. To win makes me really
BEN REYNOLDS British Masters M45 Champion in                    pleased."
2012 &2013 said "I have had a good season 8th and
12th in the Surrey League and won a British Masters             IAIN CAMPBELL, ran for Scotland in the World Junior
title in the spring" Ben works in a City Bank in London         XC Championships.
in Accounts Systems. Regarding his club Thames Hare
& Hounds "I am happy here! Thames Hare & Hounds                 About his racing he said "It is coming through now." He
are very good club"                                             works as a Policeman "I am working at Barking &
                                                                Dagenham College. I have only two years and three
JEFF PYRAH said "my results have gone well this year            months to go before retiring from the police force. With
and I was more motivated as a master when I turned 40           the Olympics in the Summer I just trained but did not
in July.                                                        race."
I won the Ashford 10k a month or so ago in 31.55,               First 6 M50's 1 Julian Critchlow (Watford Harriers)
which was the fastest I have done for 15 years.                 35.20; 2 Iain Campbell (Metropolitan Police AA) 35:34;
The Southern Counties today was my first Masters race           3 Viesturs Due (Crawley AC) 35.43; 4 Andy Tindall
and I enjoyed it."                                              (South London harriers) 36.57; 5 Mark Cursons
The over 50-69 race was well contested with 104                 (Harrow AC) 37:24; 6 Rob Creed (Crawley AC) 37.39;
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