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represent the NVAC at some of the BMAF                          idea, rugby has the “sin bin” and the biathlon also has a
meetings some years ago.                                        penalty clause for rules infringement. Ian Richards and I had
                                                                a talk on this in San Sebastian where, sadly, so many BMAF
Bridget Cushen                                                  female 3km walkers were DQ’d, some for the first time ever;.
                                                                Ian suggested we put a proposal on the agenda for the
         CHAIRMAN’S                                             World Masters Athletics General Assembly in Porto Alegre
                                                                asking WMA to introduce this at their biennial
          REPORT –                                              championships. The Masters have been the innovators in
                                                                many rule changes i.e. more events for women, and with
     ARTHUR KIMBER                                              such large international fields at WMA Championships it
                                                                would be an ideal test area before being rolled out to all age
Since the last issue of Masters Athletics the main focus        groups. Ian has kindly offered to co-ordinate all your
        has been on indoor competition, with great success for  responses on whether or not you think this is a good idea.
        British athletes – twelve world records broken in the   The deadline for Proposals for the WMA General Assembly
month of March.                                                 is July. The comments and opinion of our walkers are
                                                                welcome, let Ian have these as soon as possible, email
At the BMAF championships at Lee Valley five athletes set
seven world records. W65 Angela Copson reduced the              What about being moved to the outside lane for a prescribed
1500m mark by over twelve seconds to 5:39.96 on the             distance (Editor).
Saturday, and on the Sunday the 3000metres by over ten          Peers hear of BMAF work
seconds to 11:52.82. W75 Evaun Williams also set two            During a debate on health and exercise in the House of
records, hammer with 36.83 and javelin with 26.42.              Lords last December, Baroness Rachel Hayhoe-Flint - she of
                                                                women’s cricket fame – paid the following tribute: “The sport
Two 400metres records were broken by W55 Caroline               and recreation sector is working hard to engage with those of
Powell running 62.11 and W60 Caroline Marler, 70.26, while      senior years. To give some examples, the British Masters
W55 Laura Mahady ran 2:29.66 to break the 800metre              Athletic Federation delivers opportunities for older people to
record. Dave Oxland in a very competitive and exciting race     compete in disciplines such as cross-country running, race
reduced the M60 1500metre mark to 4:35.52.                      walking and sprinting. The oldest participant to date in the
                                                                seniors master games is 92 years of age, so there is hope
At the European Indoor Championships in San Sebastian ten       for us all yet.
world records were broken, five by Britons. Angela Copson       Anti-Doping
won six Gold medals, improving two of her times from Lee        There was one positive test in Zittau, the M45 Polish triple
Valley by running 5:36.88 for 1500metre and 11:49.53 for        jumper Wieslaw Pietka has now been suspended for two
3000m. Laura Mahady took almost two seconds off her Lee         years from 23/8/12 and the results updated.
Valley 800metre time with 2:27.84, W50 Wendy Laing set a        Peter Duhig, Overseas Entries Co-ordinator, has been sent a
world high jump best of 1.57 and the 4x200m. W60 team of        CD of the results from Zittau, if you would like a copy,
Nancy Hitchmough, Caroline Marler, Anne Nelson and Moira        contact him.
West set a world record of 2:10.44. At an award ceremony in     Porto Alegre
San Sebastian, Angela collected her trophy for the best         The Organising Committee are seeking Ambassadors to help
European female athlete of 2012. Her start to 2013 has been     promote the Championships. You are asked four questions
even more impressive. The British team took fourth place in     (see our website) on your reasons for going and asked to
the medals table behind Germany, Spain and France.              submit a photograph. We hope to see more British athletes
                                                                join the other smiling faces on the Porto Alegre web site.
The other main event was the BMAF Cross Country                 AGM
Championships in Sunderland, where M60 Mike Hagar stood         Our AGM will be held this year on the 14 September, the first
out by winning his age group, and beating all the M50 and       day of the Track & Field Championships in Birmingham. If
M55 athletes. Two newcomers, M35 Phil Hinch and W35             there are any Proposals or nominations for office, these
Julie Briscoe, made excellent debuts, Phil winning by 25        should be submitted through your club to the Honorary
seconds and Julie by seven seconds.                             Secretary at least 30 days before the meeting.

I wish you all a good summer, if we get one!


Race Walking                                                       Dramatic finish in M45 800 m Final in San
The IAAF has mooted the idea of imposing a time penalty on         Sebastian, I think the horse nearly made it!
walkers who receive a warning rather than the current              (Picture from Bridget Cushen, comments by
draconian 3-cards and you are out in Race Walking. The             editor!).
walker might get a, say, 20/30second off the track or move to
the infield period and then re-join the race. It is not a new   9
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