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World Veterans 10k & 25k Championships held at the NEC.              A record field of 39 competed in the 5k Race Walk.
He was also a prominent coach helping many athletes to
achieve their ambitions. No mean performer himself, John             The good surface of this three lap, traffic free town centre
always ran until a debilitating virus curtailed his activities.      course, combined with a mild morning with slight drizzle
                                                                     produced splendid performances by the Walkers involved.
John was involved for many years with MMAC and helped
set up the course for the National Masters Open Road                 The BMAF and EAMA medals were presented following this
Relays held every year at Sutton Park.                               well organised and well marshalled Walk, at the Town’s
                                                                     Leisure Centre shortly after the event had finished.
Our condolences go to his wife, Janet, to his family and
many friends in athletics.                                           Double World Champion Colin Turner won the Age related
                                                                     competition and set a course best performance, whilst
Editor: I worked with John for many years as announcer on            Andrea Lennon, Penelope Cummings, Fiona Bishop, Mark
some of his ambitious Road Races.                                    Williams and Tony Taylor did likewise.

An amazing man he slept over at events in order to ensure            Lancashire Walking Club won both Team Events.
all was still there in the morning, organised TV and Radio           Andrew Fraser is to be congratulated for organising
coverage of some of his events, attracting top African               Scotland’s first ever team in the age related competition, and
runners to his events. He even involved the Armed Forces             a striking fact is that the competition included five
with a helicopter to film the race from above. I asked the           competitors over 80 years of age.
army Radio man how far his radio operated, China said the
serviceman.                                                          Results:

At one National Championships I met a confused Sebastian             W35:Penelope Cummings AFD 29:07 (CBP) ; W40: Sarah Lightman
now Lord Coe walking round saying he was to be                       Leics WC 30:28; W45: 1 Julie Bellfield Halesowen 32:04; 2 Lynn Bellfield
interviewed by someone for a local TV Station. When I found          Halesowen 35:21; 3 Claire Goulden Lancs WC 36:29; W50: Hilary Mann
John who had returned to the famous bus which was the                Sparkhill 31:57; W55: 1 Fiona Bishop Woking 31:25 (CBP); 2 Cath Duhig
centre of things at the Sutton Park Relays, I asked John who         Royston 31:40; W70: Andrea Lennon 37:18 (CBP); M45: 1 Mark
the interviewer was. He looked at me and said “you, I meant          Williams Tamworth 25:09 (CBP); 2 Andrew Fraser York RWC 28:03; 3
to tell you but it slipped my mind”. They say the best               Richard Robb Lancs 36:36; M50: 1 Patrick Murphy IRL 25:53; 2 Bill
interviews are the unrehearsed ones. John I shall miss you!          McFadden Portabello 28:27; 3 Mark Byrne Redcar 33:33; M55: 1 Simon
                                                                     Pugh NVAC 31:12; 2 Ian Donaldson Lancs 35:39; 3 Philip McCullaugh
                                                                     Lancs 38:59; M60: 1 Greg Smith Lancs WC 28:33; 2 Sean Pender
                                                                     Enfield & H 31:30; M65: 1 Tony Taylor Lancs WC 27:17 (CBP); 2 Roger
                                                                     Mitchell Surrey WC 28:14; 3 Sean McMullin IRE 28:20; 4 Peter Boszko
                                                                     Birchfield 28:48; 5 Roy Gunnett Lanc WC 32:17; 6 mStephen Sargent
                                                                     Lancs 34:07; 7 John Crahan Lancs 34:59; 8 John Softley Bellahouston
                                                                     36:10; M70: 1 Colin Turner Nuneaton 27:52; 2 Shaun Lightman Surrey
                                                                     WC 29:37; 3 Glyn Jones Coventry G 31:08; 4 Joe Hardy Lanc WC 32:33;
                                                                     5 John Grayson York 36:22; M75: Norbert Will NIMAC 34:36; M80: 1
                                                                     John Payn Lancs 36:51; 2 Ken Livermore Enfield & H 40:45; 3 Eric
                                                                     Horwill Dudley &S 40:59; M85: 1 James Farar NVAC 42:10; 2 Edwin
                                                                     Grocock Sheffield 42:55;
                                                                     EAMA TEAM EVENT: 1 ENGLAND 88.03%; 2 IRELAND 76.31%; 3
                                                                     SCOTLAND 70.18%;

  RACE WALKING                                                       B.M.A.F. 30KM CHAMPIONSHIPS

BMAF 5k RACE WALKING CHAMPIONSHIP, HORWICH,                          (MEN/WOMEN) Business Park, Warwick
15th JUNE.
WORDS: Eric Horwill                                                  University, Coventry. Sunday 13th.July 2014.

                                                                     Only 10 men and 1 lady lined up for this race demonstrating
                                                                     the dislike of so many of today’s walkers to the longer
                                                                     distances. The fear of being disqualified when you tire as a
                                                                     result of not being able to straighten your leg is taking its toll.
                                                                     No one wants to get to the latter stages of the race only to be
                                                                     removed from the competition as happened to Ian Richards
                                                                     in this championships. Leading from the start and setting out
                                                                     on a world record schedule he quickly built a lead that
                                                                     reached almost 20 minutes when he was DQ’d at 27km still
                                                                     on schedule to beat the record he set In Upice last year by
                                                                     around 3 minutes.

                                                                                 That left the way open for Steve Allen to win the
                                                                     race and the M55 age group from Sean McMullin M65 from
                                                                     Ireland, a regular visitor to BMAF championships. Sean had
                                                                     battled with Chris Berwick M65 and Andrew Fraser M45,
                                                                     down from Scotland, throughout the race, all 3 finishing
                                                                     within one minute.

                                                                                 Maureen Noel F50 finished 5th overall, an excellent

                                                                     1 Steve Allen M55 3.12.08; 2 Sean McMullin M65 3.16.36; 3 Chris
                                                                     Berwick M65 3.16.58; 4 Andrew Fraser M45 3.17.36; 5 Peter
                                                                     Boszko M65 3.28.18; 6 Ken Bobbett M70 3.30.32; 7 Parminder
                                                                     Bhatti M55 3.47.36; 8 David Fall M65 3.58.29; 9 Russell Vroobel
                                                                     4.12.25; BMAF Team Birchfield Maureen Noel F50 3.26.25;

   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17