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April 13

Report by Martin Duff of                                                        Chris Greenwood 1st Male 40.
Athletics Weekly.
Pictures: Jeremy                                                 Ben Reynolds took the M50 race from Nigel Rackham by
Hemming.                                                         100 seconds in 2h:33:53, the Thames runner also heading
                                                                 all of the M45’s. The four time National Vets cross-country
                                     Ist W40 Emma Stepto,        champion was more than two minutes clear at 13.1 miles,
                                     behind 1st British          but lost a bit in the second half as Rackham ran splits of
                                     Female Amy                  77:47 and 77:46. “I have to be happy with that as I wasn’t
                                     Whitehead                   at all confident about going sub-2h: 35 so I’m pleased to
                                                                 squeeze under 2h:34. As usual I slowed 15 seconds per
                                                                 mile in the last six miles but it felt as if I was finishing fast
                                                                 but the times show I wasn’t.” His splits were 75:29 and

By far and away the best veteran performance in the                                         Ben Reynolds 1st M50
        race was that of Emma Stepto but she was running
        in the Elite women’s section in an effort to get a            Nearly thirty years ago Reynolds said he ran 2h: 31:42 for
Commonwealth Games place in the England team.                         333rd. This year he was 87th quickest overall, the figures
However a return of 2h:36:05 was just outside the required            telling their own sad story.
mark. Had the Cornwall runner been in the mass start it is            David Butler dominated the M60 age group, winning by 18
likely that she would have improved her pb. from its                  minutes in 2h: 48:46. He said: “My race went very well. My
current. 2h:35:02, just two seconds shy of the required               twin targets were to achieve a pb. Time of 2h: 48 and win
time. Stepto had to run the second half of the race by                the age group. I achieved both so I am very happy. I
herself.                                                              started slightly too fast but eased back slightly to reach half
                                                                      way as planned and loved the run down through the
England Cross-Country International Chris Greenwood                   crowds and narrower roads near in Docklands. I then
pulled back a half-way deficit of nearly three minutes to win         worked hard to keep the pace going back to Tower Bridge.
in the men’s vests’ title in 2:27:59. This was after Gareth           The next two miles were very hard but I found a second
Lowe ran 71:21 for the half-marathon but Greenwood, back              wind to complete the last 2km strongly to achieve my target
in fifth after 13 miles, ran a negative split to win by just 35       time.”
seconds. “I paced myself really well so I feel OK as it all           Treena Johnson not only ran nine minutes quicker this year
went perfectly, I tried to stay calm and hit my splits.               but also moved up from second in 2013 to take the W50
Everyone said 20 miles is half-way but I lasted until 25 and          medal, in 2h:57:49. The Dewsbury runner was 86:27 at the
then my last mile was my fastest, so I was fine,” said                half-distance and going away but despite losing ground in
Greenwood.                                                            the latter stages held on to win by 51 seconds.
                                                                      Jane Davies took the W65 section in 3h:22:12 and was on
                                                                      schedule to break Angela Copson’s British best time of
                                                                      2:19:05 at 13.1M (98:00) but lost time in the second half.

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