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If the majority of members wished to retain the
paper version would they be prepared to meet
the regularly rising cost of publication?
The lucky prize winners are as follows: As I have already mentioned my involvement has
January: June Johnson, Claire Cameron, Patsy Forbes, now entered its twelfth year, and I would like to
Arthur Good, Mary Holmes, Vera Johnston. think the publication has reached a very good
February: Frederick Cowan, Patsy Forbes, James Leith, standard. However, I feel that my abilities to
Robert McFall, Victor Murray & Nigel Wray. maintain this level are somewhat challenged, so
March: Arthur Kimber, Derek Nutley, Phil Owen, I am sorry to announce my retirement from this
Paggy Taylor, David Towers, Nigel Wray. project.
Should the membership wish to continue with a
paper version, a new Editor would need to be
PAGE 4► Fixtures, News. Following negotiations with London and Cardiff,
PAGE 5► Jim Alder, by Alastair it appears that there will be no bid from a British
City in near future.
PAGE 8► BMAF 10 Mile. The fundamental problem being that the Cities
PAGE 8► BMAF XC are not able to cover any loss made from the
PAGE 13► Addresses. hosting of Championships, and the B.M.A.F is not
PAGE 14►Track & Field in a position to underwrite any losses.
THE PICTURES IN THIS ISSUE We appear to have a problem in this Country that
the heavy cuts imposed by Central Government,
JEREMY HEMMING have caused Local Government to adjust the spending it makes to sport. This has meant that
Stadiums have been forced to close or have been
TOM PHILLIPS pushed into the private sector, who need to profit from their operation.
Again the money made available to Sport has
been aimed at the podium level Athlete, leaving
little to grass root level.
In the last issue I suggested that 108 could be
the final paper version of the Magazine, I have I hereby give notice that the AGM of the BMAF
produced for the last 12 years. will be held on Saturday the 25th of July, at 18:30
at Birmingham’s Alexander Stadium at the end of
At the last Executive Meeting of the B.M.A.F. the first day of the British Masters Track and
a decision was taken to put this matter to the Field Championships.
membership at the Annual General meeting at
Alexander Stadium. Any proposals or nominations for office, must be
forwarded through your Club and should reach
To gauge some idea of the thoughts of our the Secretary by the 24th of June.
members Peter Kennedy, has produced a
questionnaire asking for your views on this All members are entitled to attend and vote.
matter, this is now on the BMAF website.
At this meeting the future of this Magazine will
Basically the questions are do our members be decided, should this be the case a new editor
want a paper copy of Masters Athletics? will need to be appointed.
Would they feel that communication could be 3
handled by what is a totally professional Web