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CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - Letters from our Readers
As organiser of the BMAF cross-country championships at
2015 so far has been a very busy year for indoor track Ruthin School I hope that all the competitors and spectators
and field athletes, with four meetings on successive enjoyed their visit to the Vale of Clwyd and would agree that
weekends in February and March. In the South of it is a beautiful part of the world.
England Championships, which included the BMAF
Pentathlon, Eastern Veterans and VAC I am very grateful to all those who have since contacted me
Championships, 49 year old Sally Reed-Cayton won to express their appreciation, but this letter is to return my
the W45 400m. In a very fast 61.65, and her target for own thanks for the part the athletes themselves played in the
April when she turns 50 must be Caroline Powell’s success of the day.
61.29 British Indoor record.
The Southern Counties Championships followed a The staff at Ruthin School had been extremely helpful and
week later and then on March 1st the EAMA Indoor supportive since the outset and the excellent facilities were
Inter Area Challenge, where Viv Bonner broke the made available to us free of charge. The food laid on was
British W60 60m. Record with 9.10. exceptional, as so many people would testify.
The British Masters Indoor Championships on the But the runners also created a very favourable impression in
7/8th March concluded the domestic indoor season, various ways. The school staff were amazed that not a single
and 95 year old Charles Eugster set a 200m. World piece of litter was left on the school field after such a big
record of 55.48 and a 60m. British record of 15.32, event and the catering manager commented to me the
following day on how polite and pleasant everyone had
Sue Yeomans broke the W60 European pole vault been, helping to create a wonderful atmosphere.
record with 2.91 and Guy Bracken set an M50 British
record of 4:11.87 for 1500m. Thank you all, as your conduct on the day will certainly make
it easier for us to approach the school again should we be
asked to host another event.
Gareth Hughes
(Secretary, Prestatyn Running Club)
The Manchester Metropolitan University research Tony Bowman writes to say he read in the “Daily Telegraph”
project on athletes over 60 has now recruited over That after studying 1,098 runners, they found that those who
300 athletes. If you have registered, but have not yet ran fastest tended to die earlier than those exercised less
received your accelerometer or an invitation to go to vigorously. In fact according to P Schnohr from the
Manchester, you have not been forgotten, and will be “Copenhagen Heart Study” who states that vigorous exercise
contacted in due course: the researchers have a large performed for decades could provoke health risks especially
number of athletes to test. to the cardiovascular systems.
It looks unfortunately now that will be no British bid
to stage the World Track and Field Championships in Tony goes on to say that he has partaken in vigorous
2018 as there has been no further progress from exercise for all of his life, has had four serious episodes in
either Cardiff or London. the last nine years, so he can sympathise with this research.
Looking forward to the spring and summer, the
European Non-Stadia Championships take place in He has as some of us know competed in Masters Athletics,
Grosseto, Italy on May 15/17th and the World Track since the age of 42, winning National and International Titles
and Field Championships in Lyon, France in August. in the Sprints, Hurdles and Combined Events. He has
A reminder that the closing date for Grosseto has trained hard for this level of competition. He has, however,
passed, and is June 2nd for Lyon. had artery problems in the past resulting in a stent and a
The IAAF World Championships in Beijing this summer balloon around his heart and also the removal of 30cm of
will include two Masters Races, an M50 800m. and a small bowel due to the non-circulation of blood.
W50 400m. There are high qualifying standards and
some British athletes have reached them. At present Last November he was admitted to A&E shortness of breath
Sally Reed-Cayton leads the women’s list and Rob following a tennis match which has resulted in him being
Andrew the men’s. We send our best wishes to them, diagnosed as having Hyrial Flutter similar to Atrial Fibrillation.
hoping for their selection. He is awaiting a course of Warfarin, followed by treatment to
Have a good spring and summer. regulate his heart rate.
He would be interested in hearing from Athletes who have
had similar problems, especially those who have taken
Warfarin. He would like to know how it has affected their
participation in Sport.
Tony can be contacted on 01943 877533 25, The Populars,
Guiseley, LS20 9PF. He will be 80 in September,
and he would like to continue running.