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Secretary’s Report – ROAD RACE REPORT
Bridget Cushen Walter Hill
Annual General Meeting BMAF 10 Mile Road Race Championships.
Notice is hereby given that the AGM will be held on The 10 Mile BMAF Road Race Championships was held on
Saturday 9 August after the first day of the Track & the 23rd February and was incorporated into the Netherhall
Field Championships in the Alexander Stadium. 10 promoted by Cumberland AC.
Nominations of Candidates for Office or Constitutional
changes should be submitted through your club to the Cumberland AC provided an outstanding promotion and met
Honorary Secretary, 156 Mitcham Road, Croydon, all the needs of the BMAF entrants. These included easy
Surrey, CRO 3JE by 9 July. All members of constituent parking and an excellent race HQ which was adjacent to the
Associations and Clubs are invited to attend the start and finish. A challenging scenic one lap course, on
Annual General Meeting and to vote. quiet roads with first class marshalling guaranteeing the
safety of the runners. The Marshalls must be thanked as
Medal Awards they too had to tolerate the very windy weather conditions
Following misunderstandings at last year’s Track & which battered the runners in the final miles.
Field Championships, the Executive has agreed that
medals will be awarded to any athlete finishing in the My personal highlight of the day was when I witnessed Ron
first three and reaching the Medal Standard in their Stewart the Chairman of NEMAA presenting the medals to
event irrespective of the number of entrants. all our members after they had accessed a huge post-race
The Executive also agreed that the BMAF should pay buffet provided by Cumberland AC.
the international team entry fees.
On behalf of the BMAF can I thank Cumberland AC with a
British & Irish Masters International Cross-Country special thanks to Sheila and Craig and North East Masters
At the February Delegates meeting it was agreed to include with a special thanks to Arthur and Ron.
a W70 and M75 age category in future.
International Representation Hopefully when you read this section there will still be time to
Despite the fact that we constitute one of the largest enter the first of three short distance BMAF Road Race
numbers of entries and are enviously successful at European Championships.
and World Championships, we currently lack elected
representation or positions of influence on EVAA and WMA We start with the 10K in Kings Lynn on the 4th of May. With
Councils. Winston Thomas, Secretary of World Masters over 100 BMAF members already accepted we are
Athletics until his term ends in 2016, is our only voice. This is guaranteed a top quality race on a flat, fast, town centre
indeed a great pity as not only were we the first to invent course. The race provides massive spectator support as
veterans athletics, but we were founding members of both athletes compete around the town centre allowing easy
the World and European organisations. Our sport is growing viewing for friends and family.
rapidly and we should be in the vanguard to influence policy
and decisions. Ideally potential candidates will have served All the details including how to enter are recorded on the
some time on BMAF Council, competed in a European or fixtures page. Please enter soon.
WMA Championships and have the future of our great sport
at heart. On the 17th May we have the Road Relays to enjoy. Always
a highlight.
News Update
Viewers of prime time BBC TV Saturday Sport on 8 March The short distance series is completed with the 5K in
may have seen some of their club colleagues running, Horwich on June 15th.The 5K will have a very special buzz
jumping or throwing during the Inter-Club Indoor Challenge this year as the race is only open to BMAF members. You
at Picketts Lock on 23 February. A 2-person crew filmed the will know you are racing against another BMAF member, an
action and carried out interviews with some competitors. We opportunity not to be missed.
are very grateful to Angela Copson, Greg Dunston, Clare
Elms, Marie Lewis, David Oxland, Sue Yeomans and others A paper entry for Horwich can be downloaded from the web
who gave such interesting interviews. site or online entries will be accepted at www.race-
Cross-country races are currently attracting record fields but
featured prominently in the results are the Masters. British & Members return to Horwich each year to experience the
Irish International Cross-country winners from Cardiff, unique atmosphere of this very special event. With a paper
Miranda Heathcote’s performances - 2ndin the South of entry fee of £7-00 you are assured value for money. Please
England Senior and 6th in the English National and M45 Tim ensure your entry has been posted in time or enter on line.
Hartley’s 77th position are amazing. The first three in these
races are current British Senior internationals most of whom On July 6th I hope you will be in a position to enter the
have benefitted from warm weather training etc. whilst inaugural BMAF Multi-Terrain Championships. The
athletes aged 35 plus have full time jobs and families. Championships have been incorporated into the Bewl Water
Miranda was just 44sec adrift of the National winner. W45 15 which I recommend without reservation. The race venue
Lucy Elliott, Sue Morley, Paul Ward and so many others is located in the Sussex Village of Wadhurst where all will be
were linchpins for their clubs. in place to ensure your needs and expectations are met.
March 2014 Be part of the first BMAF Multi-Terrain Championships by
entering today via the link