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Next on the agenda is the Marathon on the September 7th             transmission to the EVAA and/or WMA if their records
located in Margate and incorporated into the Thanet                 are broken. However this potential problem is usually
Marathon. We will be piloting the BMAF on line system for           avoided by the meeting Manager arranging for the
this race. Further information will be posted on the web site.      necessary documentation.

Finally the season ends with Half Marathon located in               In conclusion, if you are ‘in danger’ of breaking a
Salisbury on October 7th                                            Masters record, always carry a copy of the relevant
                                                                    application form with you, as it can be very difficult to get
    BOB MINTING BRITISH RECORD                                      the form completed (particularly the officials’ signatures) at a
               PROCEEDURE                                           later date.

Are you thinking of breaking a Masters record?                      EDITOR WRITES:

I have been looking after the British Masters records               1) Many Meetings in the UK have Automatic Timing.
for about 10 years now, and although there have been                Certainly National Championships and Senior Leagues,
occasional problems in ratifying certain records, it has            Grades 4 and 3 permit Meetings (Regionally promoted
gone relatively smoothly. I have maintained mostly the              Matches and Championships, Other National
same requirements for ratifying records as my                       Championships like the CAU, British Universities).
predecessor David Burton, but have tried to stay in line
with international (that is, EVAA and WMA) changes                  However, many meeting rely on often very good hand
when they have occurred. Consistency is important to                timing and many of our members who compete in such
maintain equity between all record breakers, in the                 meetings, are disqualified immediately from setting a
past and in the future, however changes sometimes                   Track record below 1500 metres.
need to be made to stay in line with international
requirements in order to avoid anomalies (e.g. British              2) The criterion for Field records has been established,
records being superior to European or World records,                so providing the Referee and officials sign the event
but which cannot be accepted under their                            card and Record the form, all is well (see 3).
                                                                    3) The Track and Field Record forms state that IAAF /
It is surprising how many records are broken each                   WMA rules of competition should be complied with.
year. With no sign of this number falling, you must all             Most meetings in the UK, are strangely held under UKA
be getting fitter and stronger.                                     rules. I don’t know many officials who carry an IAAF
                                                                    handbook with them. In fact the only competitions held
The new requirements which came in last year were                   under IAAF rules in the UK, would be World, Olympic,
initiated by the European (EVAA) Technical Committee                European and Commonwealth Games and IAAF Grand
and accepted by the WMA, and were announced in                      Prix’s these levels would be held under a UKA level 5
last year’s Spring edition of Masters Athletics, and on             permit. It may be possible for European Permit Meetings,
the BMAF website News page. In brief, Fully                         like the Bedford International Games, Loughborough
Automatic Timing (FAT) is now required for all track                and Birmingham Games to run under permit level 4
events up to and including 800m, and all records timed              where they can chose IAAF or UKA rules.
using FAT (even if above 800m) need to be supported
by the Photo Finish Image and the Zero Control Test                 4) However, if the interpretation of IAAF / WMA rules
(ZCT) Image. The ZCT is done at the beginning of                    means that the meeting is held on the understanding
each meeting (or sometimes each session) to ensure                  that UKA rules follow IAAF and WMA principles,
that the automatic timing starts at zero.                           administered by UKA rules we do not have a problem. If
                                                                    this is not the case very few British Records will ever be
                                                                    set, as organisers will not be awarded permits at grades
                                                                    4 and above.

                                                                    I would recommend that the BMAF executive
                                                                    and Bob Minting discuss this matter.

The British record application forms have been                      EAMA Cross Country Team Selection
updated (with thanks to Chris Jager) to reflect these
changes and can be downloaded from the Records                      The England cross country team selectors will be
page of the BMAF website.                                           meeting in October to select the team for the British
                                                                    and Irish Cross Country International which is being
A fully completed application form and relevant                     held at Wollaston Park, Nottingham on Saturday 22
enclosures are needed in order to have a record                     November.
ratified, unless the performance is at a British,
European or World championship, or at a meeting                     Teams will be selected in all 5 year categories from
sanctioned by the IAAF, e.g. the Olympic Games,                     W35 to W70 and M35 to M75. If you are interested in
Diamond Leagues etc. This is consistent (except in                  applying to be considered for selection please check
one respect) with the requirements for European and                 out details on the BMAF or EAMA websites.
World records. To do otherwise would lead to British
records not being accepted by the European and                      Or contact your Masters/Veterans Club/Association.
World authorities, even when they were superior to                  Further details in the next edition of Masters Athletics.
their records. The exception is for records at British              Harry Matthews -
championships, where forms are required for onward

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