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Teams 1. England (2, 3, 4) 9 pts 2. Wales (1, 5, 14) 20 3.      Teams 1. England (1, 2, 4, 6) 13 pts 2. Republic of

Scotland (7, 8, 15) 30 4. Republic of Ireland (9, 10,12)        Ireland (7, 11, 12, 13) 43 3. Scotland (3, 10, 17, 21) 51 4.

31 5. Northern Ireland (11, 13, 17) 41                          Wales (9, 14, 18, 20) 61 5. Northern Ireland ( 5, 16, 26,

Race 3 8K M35 – 49                                              27) 74

Yet again we were treated to an enthralling battle between      M45: Austin Davies (WAL) had won the previous four

several runners, of different age groups, in their quest to be  runnings of this age group and was out to complete the set.

first over the finishing line. Initially, James Thie, Austin    Up against him was Tim Hartley who had twice won the

Davies and Sullivan Smith (WAL), Kerry Liam Wilson              M40 age group. Davies was part of the group closely

(SCOT), Keith Shields (NI) and England’s Christopher            following the race leaders along with Paul Ward (ENG)

Greenwood, Mark Johnson, Paul Ward and Tim Hartley              and Colin Burke (ROI). Up front Hartley was running

were grouped closely together at the head of the field. By

the third lap Hartley had opened up a gap of about 50m

which he increased on the 4th lap to come home a                M40 winner
comfortable winner. This was an awesome piece of running        Greenwood
as he left much younger runners in his wake. Thie pipped

Greenwood to be second home.

M35: With several of this age group amongst the front

runners it would be a case of the quickest claiming the
medals. James Thie and Sullivan Smith kept Wales to

the front as they lead Keith Shields (NI) over the early
laps. On lap 4 Smith was leading by the narrowest of
margins but by the finishing line it was Thie who was in

1. James Thie Wal 24:20, 2. Sullivan Smith Wal 24:32, 3.
Keith Shields NI 24:52
Teams 1. Republic of Ireland (4, 5, 6, 7) 22 pts 2. Wales
(1, 2, 8, 18) 29 3. England (9, 10, 12, 14) 45 4. Scotland

(13, 15, 16, 23) 67 5. Northern Ireland (3, 17, 26, 27) 73

                                                                Overall Men’s winner Tim Hartley

                                                  James Thie         impressively and leaving his fellow 45’s increasingly
                                                   Wins for          behind. At the end Ward had pulled out a lead over Davies
                                                    Wales!           whose time was impressive against the M50’s whose age
                                                                     group he will join next year.
M40: Again this followed the pattern of a group making it at         1. Tim Hartley Eng 24:12, 2. Paul Ward Eng 24:45, 3.
the front and the strongest and quickest gaining the                 Austin Davies Wal 24:55
rewards. Richard Harris, Christopher Greenwood and
Mark Johnson (ENG) battled it out with Kerry Liam               17
Wilson (SCOT). On lap 3 Wilson was leading the others
but on lap 4 Greenwood and Johnston applied the
pressure and it was just a question of who would make it to
the line first.

1. Christopher Greenwood Eng 24:22, 2. Mark Johnson
Eng 24:24, 3. Kerry Liam Wilson Scot 24:38
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22