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Davis-67.09-Derwent AC-M50-OPEN; 35-Martin-Ford-67.14- Our hosts, the SVHC, faced a constant battle from the
Cheltenham & County Harriers-M70-1 BMAF-; 36-Mike-Winter-67.56- elements, (especially wind torn course marking tapes) but
Morpeth-M40-OPEN; 37-Jon-Balmer-67.58-South Shields Harriers-M- they produced a superb course, to provide an excellent
OPEN; 38-Ian-McDougall-68.41-Cumberland AC-M50-OPEN-; 39- day’s racing.
Claire-Thompson-68.45-City of Glasgow AC-F35-1 BMAF; 41-David- Race One. Women 35+ and Men 65+. (6k)
Burton-70.26-Keswick-M50-OPEN; 42-Izzy-Knox-70.52-Tyne Bridge
Harriers-F35-OPEN; 43-Walter -Hill-70.55-Crawley AC-M60-1 BMAF; At the completion of the first 2k lap, a mixed age group of
44-Les-Hill-71.17-Dumfries Running Club-M55-3 BMAF; 45-Julie- women were showing their contention for the medals.
Carter-71.20-Keswick AC-F45-2 BMAF; 49-Mark-Cooney-73.20--M40- Amongst the leading group was Jarrow’s Elaine Leslie in
7 BMAF; 50-Samantha-Ayers-73.59-Keswick AAC-F40-OPEN; ; 52-
Michael-Bunn-74.08-Jarrow & Hebburn AC-M55-4 BMAF; 53-Malcolm- the 45+ age category, not giving any ground were Leslie
Thirlaway-74.29-Gateshead Harriers &AC-M55-5 BMAF; 55-Duncan- Chisholm, (Garscube Harriers) Claire Mcmanus, (North
Overton-74.56-Keswick AC-M65-1 BMAF; 56-Neil-Cooper-75.07-None- Shields Poly) with Avril Mason (Shettleston Harriers) all in
M40-OPEN; 57-Robert-Young-75.09-Clydesdale Harriers-M70-2 the 35+ age categories. In the W50 category Hilary
BMAF; 59-Tony-Brackstone-75.39-Southern Counties Vets-M70-3
BMAF; 60-Tom-Hanson-76.07-Elswick Harriers-M55-OPEN;61-Peter- McGrath (Law & District) was having a personal battle with
Sloan-76.10-Elswick Harriers-M55-OPEN; 62-Fred-Gibbs-76.15- Falkirk’s Beryl Junior. The first 65+ to show was Rob
Bingley Harriers-M75-1 BMAF; 63-Rachel-Mellor-76.35-Keswick AC- Marshall from Morpeth Harriers, having a storming run, he
F35-OPEN; 64-Neil-Jamieson-76.58-Carlisle Tri Club-M60-OPEN-; 65- had already opened a 100m lead over Oxford City’s Roy
Bob-Wells-77.52-Morpeth Harriers-M65-OPEN; 66-Andrew-Johnson-
78.01-Leamington C&AC-M70-4 BMAF; 67-Brian-Campbell-78.52- Treadwell. Bingley’s Les Haynes (Bingley H) in the 70+ age
Clydesdale Harriers-M70-5 BMAF-; 68-Shaun-Connelly-79.42-Elswick group also had a quick first lap, leading last year’s winner,
Harriers-M45-OPEN; 69-Pete-Cartwright-80.42-Clydesdale Harriers- Gordon Orme (Carmarthen H) by 10 metres.
M70-6 BMAF; 70-Susan-Cain-81.20-Penny Lane Striders-F55-OPEN;
71-Gerard-Mulgrew-81.40.51-Ellenborough-M40-OPEN; 72-Jonathan-
Ashworth-81.40.97-Ellenborough-M35-OPEN; 73-Richard -Williams-
82.32-ua-M35-OPEN; 74-Tony-Rea-82.40-Dragons-M70-7 BMAF; 75-
Andy-Reid-82.56-Ellenborough-M55-OPEN; 76-Graham-Lesset-83.06-
Cumberland AC-M45-OPEN; 77-Emma-Graham-83.44-St Bees Triers-
F35-OPEN; 78-Ernie-Davidson-84.29-ua-M45-OPEN; 79-John-
Cunningham-85.15-Cumberland AC-M45-OPEN; 80-Bev-Faulder-
85.16-Seaton AC-F35-OPEN; 81-Craig-Houghton-85.39-CFR-M40-
OPEN; 82-John-Geonlit-86.24-ua-M45-OPEN; 83-Michele-Moran-
86.26-NEVAC-F45-3 BMAF; 84-Louise-Griffin-86.32-Tynedale
Harriers-F45-OPEN; 85-Kim-Clark-87.26-Keswick-F55-OPEN; 86-
Juliet-Grieves-87.35-Keswick AC-F45-OPEN; 87-John-Lewis-87.40-ua-
M60-OPEN; 88-Craig-Hatch-87.42-Not Affiliated-M45-OPEN; 89-Sarah
jane-Edwards-89.20-Cumberland AC-F45-OPEN; 90-Bob-Balmer-
90.31-South Shields Harriers-M70-8 BMAF; 91-Jane-Robson-90.36-
Heaton Harriers-F40-OPEN; 92-Allan-Kay-90.56-100 Marathon Club-
M65-OPEN; 93-June-Johnson-90.58-Leamington C&AC-F65-1 BMAF;
94-Sharon-Green-91.51-St Bees Triers-F35-OPEN-; 95-Arthur-Potter-
92.27-South Shields Harriers-M70-9 BMAF; 96-Alison-Andrew-95.12-
Cumberland AC-F45-OPEN; 97-Gay-Eastoe-96.27-Alnwick Harriers-
F60-OPEN; 98-Richard -Eastoe-96.28-Alnwick Harriers-M55-OPEN;
99-Michael-Ellwell-103.55-Cobra RC-M60-2 BMAF; 100-Ursula-Elwell-
107.11-Cobra RC-F60-1 BMAF; 101-Reginald-Checkley-107.14-
Heaton Harriers-M75-2 BMAF; 102-Rose-Webb-110.46-Radley AC-
F65-2 BMAF; 103-Janette-Kilgour-02:15:01-Heaton Harriers-F60-2
BMAF; 104-George-Routledge-02:21:14-Heaton Harriers-M65-2
NB: all under 35 competitors removed hence positional gaps.
Age group positions only shown for BMAF competitions.
GLASGOW 15TH MARCH Race winner
Completing lap two, Leslie Chisholm had now obtained a
Words: Mel James. convincing 50m lead over the two chasing athletes Elaine
Pictures: Alan Ramage. Leslie and Claire Mcmanus. A further 10 metres behind
them were a group of four athletes, Edinburgh Harrier’s
This season our members travelled to Scotland to Janet Dunbar in the 45+, Shona Robertson, W40,
compete in the BMAF Cross Country (Shettleston H) plus club mate Avril Mason 35+ and
Championships. Arriving at Glasgow’s Tollcross Stephanie Maclean –Dann, 35+, competing in the North
Park, they were faced with overcast skies and gale force Shields Poly colours. Robert Marshall had increased his
winds. The undulating course was wide open to the strong lead over Roy Treadwell by a further 50m, in the 65+ and
wind, helping to dry out and provide a mud free course. Gordon Orme had also overhauled Les Haynes and was
now leading by 5 metres in their 70+ section.
Leslie Chisholm increased her lead to win the race by 29
seconds. Second placer Janet Dunbar had a tremendous
last lap, coming through the field to take the 45+ title.
Elaine Leslie’s persistence also earned her third place