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( Richard Gray 17.07m , Martin Ludford 18.58m -14, Robert Andrews without reservation. I was not proved wrong and I am sure
20.05m -9 ); 9 Wesham Road Runners & AC 56.31m ( John Collier all 61 finishers had a very enjoyable day out in the Sussex
18.40m, Alan Hudson 20.17m -5, Alex Rowe 17.34m +19 ); country side. Everybody I spoke to asked where the event
10 Sheffield RC 56.37m ( Mike Quinn 18.13m, Gary Podmore 19.40m will be next year with many asking if we will be returning to
-14, Sid Cordle 18.44m +9 ); 11 Dulwich Runners AC 56.58m Bewl. A vote of confidence I believe. Please record a vote
( Stephen Williams 18.57m, Nicholas Brown 18.50m +11, Neville Webb of thanks to Albert Kemp and Wadhurst runners
19.11m +6 ); 12 Preston Harriers 57.33m ( Alan Appleby 19.33m,
Steve Clayton 19.43m +7, Kevin Hesketh 18.17m +14 ); Next on the agenda is the Marathon on the September 7th
13 Rotherham Harriers and AC 57.35m ( Keith Williams 20.01m, located in Margate and incorporated into the Thanet
Terry Eastwood 18.22m +23, Peter Neal 19.12m +4 ); 14 Les Marathon. Thanks to Peter Kennedy and Dave Beattie we
Croupiers B 58.32m ( Michael Cranwell 20.31m, Paul Coker 18.54m continue to pilot the BMAF on line system for this race.
+20, Michael McGeoch 19.07m +10 ); 15 Holmfirth Harriers AC
58.45m ( Andy Hauser 18.42m, Kevin Yewlett 20.33m -8, John Ewart Finally the season will end with the Half Marathon located
19.30m +6 ); 16 Stockport Harriers & AC 59.13m ( Robert Taylor in Salisbury on October 7th
18.07m, Ste Shaughnessy 19.21m -12, Gerrard Moss 21.45m -14 );
17 Thames Hare & Hounds 1h00.10m ( Richard Pitt 19.24m, Mike Planning for 2015
Farmery 20.32m -5, Chris Cheeseman 20.14m +7 ); 18 Vale Royal AC I am still in the process of planning for next year’s BMAF
1h00.13m ( Tony Archer 19.52m, John Clarke 20.31m +0, James Road Race Championship venues.
Edwards 19.50m +11 ); 19 Cobra Running & Triathlon 1h00.26m As in the past I will aim to distribute the events across GB
( David Daniels 18.24m, Neil Hale 21.15m -27, Chris Pearson 20.47m and spread them over the year.
+3 ); 20 Wolverhampton & Bilston 1h01.49m ( Simon Calrow The relay and probably the 5 K will remain in situ.
16.59m, Rob Challoner 21.46m -48, Gwyn James 23.04m -14 ); I can confirm that Kent AC will accommodate our 10 Mile
21 Winchester & District AC 1h02.11m ( Martyn West 19.28m, Steve Championships on the 8/03/2015 within the Sidcup 10.This
Goodwin 20.40m -3, Derek Smith 22.03m -3 ); 22 Blackheath And is a very fast course and will attract significant interest.
Bromley 1h02.34m ( Andrew Lawes 19.56m, Chris Pike 21.10m -3, A 10K in South Wales in the summer months is a strong
David Carton 21.28m +2 ); , 23 Barnet & District AC B 1h02.55m possibility.
( Peter Ellis 19.58m, Melvin Davies 20.21m +3, John Clarke 22.36m -4 Peter and Cath Duhig first claim club Ryston Runners have
); 24 Halesowen A & CC 1h03.06m ( John Hill 19.38m, Alistair Grant offered to accommodate the Half Marathon within the
22.11m -11, Paul Allen 21.17m +4 ); 25 Salford Harriers B 1h04.00m Wissey Half at the beginning of September.
( Gary Thomason 21.58m, Ian Johnson 20.29m +7, Thomas Temple With a Marathon late September / October, the spread of
21.33m +4 ); 26 Neath Harriers B 1h04.53m ( Martin Mellor 21.32m, dates and locations continues.
Richard Bowen 21.36m +4, David Davies 21.45m +4 ); 27 Middleton Finally I hope the executive will support a further multi
Harriers AC 1h08.00m ( Alan Garvey 22.04m, Steven Granville terrain championships as there is a clear demand for off
23.51m +3, Craig Sutherland 22.05m +5 ); 28 Royal Sutton Coldfield road running within our membership.
1h08.46m ( John Fletcher 20.15m, Paul Kenney 21.47m -4, Robert
Owen 26.44m -3 ); 29 Tonbridge AC 1h09.45m ( Nick Fenton 23.38m, BMAF - GEAR BMAF-10K-
James Maitland 22.09m +5, Maurice Marchant 23.58m +2 ); 4th May 04
Incomplete Teams: Ron Hill Cambuslang ( Frank Hurley 17.43m,
Colin Feechan 17.08m +11 ); Team Bath AC A ( Tom Hutchison W35-39:
18.23m ) Wolds Veteran RC ( Steven Green 21.55m ) 1-Ellen-Leggate-37:59-Cambridge & Coleridge AC; 2-Melissa-Neal-
Fastest Legs: 1 Jeremy Hogan 16:51; 2 Simon Calrow 16:59; 3 David 38:16-March AC; 3-Melanie-Watts-1:00:04-Ryston Rs; W40-44:
Cox 17:00; 4 Richard Gray 17:07; 5 Colin Feecham 17:08; 6 Eric 1-Louise-Insley-37:12-Heanor RC ; 2-Wendy-King-39:05-Chelmsford
Williams 17:09; AC; 3-Sarah-Holford-41:11-Derby AC; 4-Molly-Mckay-41:43-W Norfolk
AC; 5-Katrina-Wasteney-42:00-W Norfolk AC; 6-Lisa Ann-O'keeffe-
ROAD RUNNING REPORT 42:07-NVAC: 7-Carol-Muir-55:28-Ilford AC; 8-Jo-Brooks-58:23-Ryston
WALTER HILL R; W45-49: 1-Yvonne-Scarrott-41:18-Harborough AC; 2-Melinda-
Jones-45:02-Ilford AC; 3-Anne-Arran-46:08-Serpentine RC;
The 10 K Championships were incorporated into the 10K in 4-Karen-Wood-49:18-Ryston R; 5-Wendy-Fisher-50:54-Ryston R;
Kings Lynn on the 4th of May. Perfect weather added to an 6-Sue-Smith-1:07:06-Ryston R; W50-54: 1-Catherine-Newman-38:36-
A1 event where 95 men and 41 females raced to the line in Exmouth H; 2-Caroline-Wood-39:56-Arena 80 AC; 3-Maureen-
the town square which had the atmosphere of a city centre Mccarthy-40:36-West Suffolk AC; 4-Jane-Pidgeon-42:20-Notts AC; 5-
race. The course was fast with Michael Aldridge M40 Susie-Tawney-42:55-Leamington C∾ 6-Karen-Brooks-43:27-
recording 31:18 and Catherine Newman F50 posting a fine Harborough AC; 7-Nicola-Hopkinson-47:12-Ilford AC; 8-Dianne-Crisp-
38:36. The full results recorded on the web site highlight 47:42-Ilford AC; W55-59: 1-Lesley-Leggett-40:09-Denby Dale T; 2-
the achievements of our members and many of them Penelope-Barber-40:57-Tipton H; 3-Tracey-Lasan-42:56-Reading RR;
requested a return in the very near future. Thanks must be 4-Elizabeth-Blakie-54:07-Ryston R; W60-64: 1-Marian-Hesketh-43:26-
recorded to Peter & Cath Duhig and all of the Gear 10K Preston H; 2-Maggie-Statham-44:04-Holland Sports AC; 3-Rosalind-
team who promoted a first class Championships. Tabor-44:18-Dulwich R AC; 4-Joy-Radford-46:18-SWVAC; 5-Margaret-
Phillips-47:12-Cambridge & C AC; 6-Pat-Brightman-1:13:41-Great
The short distance series was completed with the 5K in Yarmouth & D AC; W65-69: 1-Angela-Copson-42:21-Rugby &
Horwich on June 15th.The 5K this year had a very special Northampton AC; 2-Jane-Ashby-51:30-Ryston R; 3-Veronica-Manly-
buzz as the race was only open to BMAF members. Cool, 53:34-EVAC; 4-Helen-Sewell-1:04:42-Ryston R; W75:79: 1-Pam-
calm weather led to very fast times. With Peter Molly M65 Jones-58:11-Ilford AC; 2-Anne-Martin-58:24-Wymondham AC;
17:38 and Martin Ford M70 19:03 posting outstanding M35-39: 1-Stuart-Nelson-32:54-Wellingborough & D AC; 2-Phillip-
times. Unfortunately the timing of some finishers has Gould-33:13-Kenilworth R; 3-James-Nunn-33:28-Billericay S; 4-Matt-
caused concern and I will continue to resolve in the interest Pyatt-34:04-Huntingdonshire AC; 5-Tony-Murray-34:15-Crook & Dist
of our members. Sports AC; 6-Geoff-Weller-34:30-Cambridge & Coleridge AC; 7-
With 135 finishers John Smith and his team were delighted Robert-Hawse-36:02-NVAC; 8-Kevin-Newell-36:21-Ilford AC; 9-
with the impact a closed race had on the number of BMAF Joseph-Mulenga-39:10-Coventry Godiva; 10-Michael-Horsey-39:50-
entrants. Ilford AC; M40-45: 1-Michael-Aldridge-31:18-Wootton RR; 2-
Christopher-Greenwood-31:24-Kent AC; 3-Mark-Johnson-32:12-
Finally on July 6th we promoted the inaugural BMAF Multi- Mansfield H; 4-Malcolm-Muir-32:33-Ilford AC; 5-Phil-Sanders-33:11-
Terrain Championships. This Championship was Kent AC; 6-Stuart-Beaney-34:14-Kent AC; 7-Gary-Moore-35:03-North
incorporated into the Bewl Water 15 which I recommended Shields Poly; 8-Andrew-Wilson-35:14-Mansfield H; 9-Jon-Kemp-36:54-