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Julie                                                             TEAM            MEN    WOMEN   OVERALL
Briscoe                                                           MMAC            338.0   269.5    607.5
                                                                  SCVAC           310.0   283.5    593.5
                                                                  WMAA            271.0   236.0    507.0
                                                                   NVAC           217.5   232.0    449.5
                                                                   EVAC           202.5   223.0    425.5
                                                                                  170.0   113.0    283.0
                                                                    VAC           56.0      0.0    56.0

                                                                  Men’s Results:


In all there were 31 Meeting Records, and I am going to list      100: 1 Joshua Wood SC 11.38; 2 Stuart Channon VAC 11.60; 3 Andrew
them!                                                             Flint SC 11.77; 5 Chris Burgess NV 12.21; 6 James Morgan WM 12.65;
                                                                  200: 1 Wood 23.45; 2 Channon 23.61; 3 Parker 23.67; 4 Jim Tipper MM
M35/49: 4x100: Northern Veterans AC 47.24;                        23.92; 5 Morgan 26.58; 6 Paul Harrison EV 26.70; 400: 1 Richard
                                                                  Rubenis MM 51.47; 2 Andrew Parker NV 52.43; 3 Peter Davey SC 53.99;
M50/59: 800: Rob Andrew equalled his own 2:07.53; 100H:           5 Peter Benedickter EV 55.06; 6 Mark White VAC 55.37; 7 Stuart
Neil Tunstall 14.39; 4x100: WMAA51.52.HJ: Steve Linsell           Pearce WM 58.36; 800: 1 Craig Sharp SC 2:02.29; 2 John Hamblen VAC
1.70; SP: Steve Whyte 15.54; HT: Steve Whyte 59.22;               2:07.13; 3 Matt Pyatt6 EV 2:07.44; 4 Anthony Powell WM 2:10.39; 5
                                                                  Calvin Scoltock MM 2:11.78; 6 Bashir Hussain 2:13.32; 1500: 1 Luke
M60/69: 400: Ray Watkins 57.38; 1500: David Wilcock               Humphires EV 4:14.66; 2 Adrian Haynes SC 4:16.32; 3 Phillip Gould MM
4:38.40; 4x100: Southern Counties VAC 52.91;                      4:16.34; 4 Hussain 4:25.42; 5 Matt Gorman 4:28.36; 3000: 1 Luke
                                                                  Humphries EV 8:51.01;2 Gordon Lee MM 9:07.56; 3 Paul Barlow NV
M70+: 200/400: Terry Bissett 29.73 / 66.81; 800: John             9:34.54; 4 Ian Johnston SC 9;37.74; 5 Andy Peet WM 9:48.46; 110H: 1
Batchelor 2:46.04; 4x100: WMAA66.84;                              Mensah Eliott SC 15.72; 2 Clint Nicholls EV 16.92; 3 Alwyn Lombaard
                                                                  VAC 17.15; 4 Neil Edwards WM 19.24; 5 Martin Aspley-Davis MM 19.87;
W35/49: 400: Diana Norman 59.25; 800 / 1500: Louise Rudd          6 Lee Sutton NV 20.01; 2000W: 1 Mark Williams MM 9:47.32; 2 Richard
2:16.47 / 4:40.37; 4x100: Midland Masters AC 52.97; PV:           Higson-Blythe NV 24:04.65; 4x100: 1 NVC 47.24 (CBP); 2 VAC 48:08; 3
Jemma Eastwood 3.12; LJ: Helen Channon 5.23; HT:                  WM 51.17; 4 MM 51.90; 6 SCVAC 52.24; HJ: 1 Lombaard VAC 1.75; 2
Andrea Jenkins 44.91;                                             Nicholls & Darren Otter NV 1.70; 4 Davey 1.55; 5 Steve Spires WM 1.35;
                                                                  PV: 1 Dave Gordon WM 3.52; 2 Derek Hately MM 3.02; 3 Wayne Martin
W50/59: 4x100: Northern Vets AC 57.24; HJ: Wendy Laing            SC 2.72; 2 Clint Nicolls EV 2.23; LJ: 1 Andy Lewis SC 6.34; 2 Donovan
1.45;                                                             Davenport MM 5.60; 3 Channon 5.52; 4 Paul Harrison EV 5.06; 5
                                                                  Higson-Blythe 4.82; 6 Morgan 4.55; TJ: 1 Keith Newton SC 12.27; 2
W60/69: 200: Helen Godsell 30.61; 400: Caroline Marler            Davenport 11.84; 3 Lombaard 11.08; 4 Harrison 11.07; 5 Leeroy Golding
70.60; 4x100: Southern Counties 59.78;                            10.38; 6 Edwards 9.90; SP: 1 John Twiddle NV 11.84; 2 Will Suart MM
                                                                  11.72; 3 Mayfield 10.15; 4 Keith Boswell WM 9.55; 5 Feely 7.06; DT: 1
W70: 100/LJ: Iris Holder 17.54 / 3.20; SP Liz Sissons 8.16;       Peter Roberts WM 38.06; 2 Peter Mayfield 37:11; 3 Darren Thomas NV
                                                                  30.78; 4 Aspley-Davis 23.40; 5 Steve Feely EV 19:52; JT: 1 Mayfield
As far as the match was concerned Midland Masters won the         40.10; 2 Edwards 37.80; 3 Thomas 35.81; 4 Nicholls 33.55; HT: 1 John
overall event by 14 points from Southern Counties, with the       Pearson MM 52.92; 2 Twiddle 39.94; 3 Keith Boswell WM 34.19; 4
terrific Welsh third.                                             Mayfield 27.47; 5 Feely 23.96;

The Men’s match went to the Midlands, from the Southern           M50-59:
Counties, whilst the Southern Counties reversed that result
in the Women’s match.                                             100: 1 John Wright NV 12.3; 2 Brian Lewis VAC 12.4; 3 Tennyson James
                                                                  EV 13.0; 4 Dominic Browne MM 13.1; 5 Peter Ilo SC 13.2; 6 Keith Powell
                                                                  WM 13.7; 200; 1 Wright 25.01; 2 Rikki Huskisson EV 25.38; 3 Chris
                                                                  Georgiou MM 26.41; 4 Steve Allen VAC 26.46; 5 Ian Broadhurst WM
                                                                  27.20; 6 Ilo 27.77; 400: 1 Neil Tunstall SW 54.12; 2 Sean Price WM
                                                                  56.32; 3 Richard White MM 56.96; 4 Huskisson 59.16; 5 Ilo 60.42; 6
                                                                  Dave McAllister NV 73.01; 7 Mike May VAC 79.18; 800: 1 Rob Andrew
                                                                  MM 2:07.53 (=CBP) ; 2 Kevin McAlinden EV 2:10.12; 3 Andy Gannaway
                                                                  VAC 2:14.81; 4 Chris Ireland NV 2:17.03; 5 Brett Davis WM 2:19.94; 6
                                                                  Pete Mountain SW 2:27.11; 7 Mark Stephenson SC 2:51.81; 1500: 1
                                                                  Russell Parkin MM 4:37.72; 2 Jonathan Metcalf EV 4:53.58; 3 Steve
                                                                  Doxey NV 4:55.69; 4 Tunstall 4:55.84; 5 Mike Robbins WM 4:56.82; 6
                                                                  Stephenson 5:29.38; 7 Carey Gray VAC 5:37.44; 3000: 1 Colin Ridley
                                                                  EV 9:49.17; 2 Parkin 9:55.84; 3 Rob Sheen WM 9:58.41; 4 Ireland
                                                                  10:08.96; 5 Mountain 10:55,61; 6 Stephenson 11:59.35; 7 Gray 12:12.51;
                                                                  100H: 1 Tunstall 14.39 (British M50 Record); 2 James 15.47; 3 Paul
                                                                  Edwards MM 16.58; 4 Mark Crompton NV 23.05; 2000W: 1 Chris Hobbs
                                                                  SC 10:02.24; 2 Peter Boszko MM 11:07.28; 3 Stephen Walker WM
                                                                  13:16.09;4x100: 1 WM 51.52 (CBP); 2 MM 51.79; 3 VAC 54.97; 4 NV
                                                                  57.73; 5 SC 60.72; HJ: 1 Steve Linsell NV 1.70 ((CBP); 2 Gary Capon
                                                                  SC 1.60; 3 Phelan 1.50; 4 Paul Askew MM 1.40; 5 Powell 1.35; PV: 1

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