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M65 Ian Richards took the 3000m walk distance in 14:17.84 (0.8): 1 Esmei Tamunonengiye- Ossai SCVAC 11.14; 2 Anthony Browne
for the weekends only World Record and M75 Arthur 11.59; 3 Alan Robertson SVHC 11.68; 4 Philip Ellershaw NVAC 11.69;5
Thomson did 17:35.28, while Cath Duhig won the W55 event Stuart Channon VAC 11.74; 6 Robert North MMAC 11.80; 7 Simon
in 18:46.39. Quickest over 3000m was M50 winner Francisco Wells NVAC 11.81; 8 Michael Barough SCVAC 11.93; 9 Rick Cordwell
Reiss with 13:57.59. All except Richards returned on the NVAC 12.29; 10 Imam Qazi SWVAC 12.42; M40 (1.4): 1 Joshua Wood
second day to win the 5000m walk event, with Reis again SCVAC 11.19; 2 Mark Collins EVAC 11.42; 3 James Tipper MMAC
being fastest overall. Thomson summed up a lot about 11.60; 4 Andrew Gordon VAC 11.65; 5 Ciaran Harvey SCVAC 11.87; 6
veteran athletics when he said: āIām a bit slower every year.ā Roger Sexton NIMAA 11.87; 7 David Olusanya OPEN 12.11; 8 Richard
Henry MMAC 12.52; Paul North MMAC 12.71; 10 James Morgan WMAA
Alan Mellett ran a new British Record of 33.25 in the M80 12.78; 11 Nick Lauder VAC12.79; M45 (0.9) ; 1 Darren Scott SCVAC
100 metres, and Dalbir Sing-Deol did likewise in the M85 11.35; 2 Antony Leigh MMAC 11.72; 3 Giuseppe Minetti SCVAC 12.08; 4
with a time of 47.34. Andrew LewisSCVAC 12.11; 5 Julian Smith EVAC 12.14; 6 Stan Walker
SVHC 12.25; 7 Mark White VAC 12.47; 8 Ian Gouldthorpe NVAC 12.59;
Results - Saturday 9th August 9 Ian Allen SWVAC 12.61; 10 Daniel Tomlinson SCVAC 12.70; M50
(1.4): 1 Donald Brown MMAC 11.93; 2 Steve Beak SCVAC 12.09; 3 Pat
100: Logan VAC 12.15; 4 Brian Lewis VAC 12.24; 5 John Statham MMAC
12.68; 6 Paul Ttereve MMAC 12.73; 7 Tim Dawson NVAC 12.76; 8 Ty
Holden EVAC 13.29; 9 Keith Powell WMAA 13.34; 10 Michael May VAC
14.53; M55 (1.3/0.3); 1 Jeff Battista EVAC 12.09; 2 John Wright NVAC
12.17; 3 Kevin Burgess EVAC 12.40; 4 Douglas Donald MMAC 12.51; 5
Shane Sheridan IRL 12.68; 6 Tennyson James EVAC 12.91; 7 Robert
Shephard VAC 12.94; 8 Dominic Browne MMAC 13.02; 9 Alastair
Duncan SCVAC13.05; 10 William Skinner SVHC13.41; M60 100 (0.6):
1Steve Peters NVAC 12.38; 2 Alasdair Ross VAC 12.66 ; 3 Ray Watkins
12.83; 4 Christopher Monk MMAC 13.32; 5 David Whitehead EVAC
13.32; 6 Tom Phillips SCVAC 13.33; 7 Ken Jackson SWVAC 13.79; 8
Patrick Reynolds VAC 17.02; M65 (2.0): 1 Glyn Sutton WMAA 13.25; 2
Victor Novell SCVAC 13.81; M70 (-0.4) 1 Terry Bissett SCVAC 13.98; 2
Laurence Oldfield MMAC 14.31; 3 Allan Long VAC 14.56; 4 James Smith
14.79; 5 Charles Isetts VAC 14.94; 6 David Whittaker VAC 15.89; M75
(0.1): 1 Walter Galloway Hunter SVHC 14.10; 2 Tony Bowman NVAC
15.23; 3 Peter Matthews NVAC 15.30; 4 Roger Bruck SCVAC 15.86;
M80 (0.1): 1 Alan Mellett MMAC 15.96; 2 George Cheetham MMAC
17.25; 3 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles VAC 19.57; M85 (0.1): Dalbir Singh
Deol VAC 21.27; M95 (0.1): Charles Eugster SUI 25.76;
Wins at 100
W35 (-0.1): 1 Susan McLoughlin VAC 12.69; 2 Helen Channon VAC Bruce Hendrie & Derek
12.85; 3 Paula Owen MMAC 13.02; 4 Catherine Goulder-Davies MMAC Wardle in the 400
14.01; W40 (-1.4) 1 Giare Skervin MMAC 12.94; 2 Michelle Thomas
WMAA 13.11; 3 Kathleen Madigan SVHC 13.62; 4 Rachael Savidis
NEMAA 13.72; 5 Kathryn Miles SCVAC 13.87; 6 Katy Williams MMAC
14.87; 7 Christine Campbell MMAC 17.20; W45 (-0.8) 1 Angela Bates
VAC 13.54; 2 Jacqui Hodgson NEMAA 13.74; 3 Michele Wakefield
SCVAC 14.24; 4 Deborah Ricci 14.90; 5 Ruth Watson SVHC 15.34; 6
Lesley Richardson SCVAC 16.16; W50: (0.7): 1 Kirstin King SCVAC
13.92; 2 Euphemia Scott SCVAC 14.08; 3 Lesley Willis 14.74; 4 Angela
Kelly NVAC 14.88; 5 Judy Johnson MMAC 15.01; 6 Melanie Garland
MMAC 15.05; 7 Susan Wisdom VAC 15.09; 8 Susan Richardson NVAC
15.83; W55: 1 Averil Mcclelland NVAC 14.15; 2 Joan Trimble VAC
14.49; 3 Christine Salvary SCVAC 16.08; 4 Diane Farmer EVAC 17.16;
W60 (1.1) : 1 Caroline Powell SWVAC 14.09; 2 Helen Godsell SCVAC
14.11; 3 Anne VAC 15.99; 4 Susan Dassie 16.02; 5 Linda Ahmet
SCVAC 17.25; W65 ( -0.9): 1 Moira West SCVAC 15.29; 2 Hazel
McDonnell AUS 17.55; 3 Gillian Millicheap MMAC 19.10; W70 (-0.9):Iris
Holder lWMAA 17.71; W75 (-0.9): 1 Dorothy Fraser 19.85; 2 Dorothy
McLennan SCVAC-IRL 22.58; 3 Jeanne Coker SCVAC 23.78; M35