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BMAF PENTATHLON when John Charlton was injured in the 100 metres and was
subsequently only able to do the throws (and a little
ABINGDON, 8th JUNE jumping! ).
Lawrie Dunn produced the best GB performance with a
W35: Maria Henry SCVAC 1307 (100h 22.14 /1.7, hj 1.30, sp 7.74, lj point’s total of 5337 in M 65 for 3rd place. Brian Harlick in
3.64 / 1.9, 800 dnf); W40: Samantha Berry Open 1751 (17.40/ 1.7, 1.30, M70 was also unlucky to suffer a fall in the hurdles on day 2
5.96, 3.81/ 1.3, 3:18.49 ); W45: 1 Janet Dickson SWVAC 2701 (16.31 / which greatly hampered his subsequent performances but
1.7, 1.33, 8.32, 4.07/ 0.4, 3:02.64); 2 Ruth Bird MMAC 1821 ( 19.29/1.7, still managed to score 2482 points.
1.15, 8.69, 3.41/0.3, 3:25.62); W50: Charmaine Johnson 3766 (British
Best) (13.73/3.7, 1.45, 11.72, 4.24/1.3, 3:11.16); W55: Penny Butcher Our two lady Decathletes had a great time set against male
EVAC 3172 (16.20/3.7, 1.24, 6.65, 3.91 /1.7, 3:04.17); M35: 1 Ben competition with Jess Collins scoring 3417 points and Ruth
Anderson SCVAC 1936 (lj 5.39/0.0, jt 27.81, 200 25.69 /2.0 dt 22.97 Bird 3614.
1500 6:06.21); 2 David Ralson Open 1004 (5.44 /0.0, 43.41, 0.00. 0.00.
0.00); M40: 1 Matthew Allison NVAC 3027 (5.57 /0.0, 54.50, 25.60 /2.0, The best performance of the competition went to Brian
37.08, 5:54.89); 2 Mark Roberts SCVAC 2850 (5.49 /0/0, 43.02, 26.39 Cushey in M50 with a new American record of 7467 points.
/2.0, 33.11, 5:18.29); 3 Nathan Kitchen 1713 (4.13 /0.0, 25.12, 29.82
/2.0, 22.95, 5:37.62); 4 Ed Saunders MMAC 1491 (4.91 / 0.0, 31.39, In the Heptathlon Pat Oakes (W65) scored 2982 points to
31.09 /2.0, 20.50, 6:24.44); M45: 1 Lee Parrott Open 2662 (4.86 /0.0, outscore her US rival Mary Trotto.
40.30, 27.95 / 1.6, 30.39, 5:45.310; 2 Gary Palmer VAC 2580 (5.04 /0.0,
22.61, 25.85 /1.6, 22.47, 5:08.44; 3 Marc Jufkins Open 2411 (4.71 /0.0, The US athletes who were here in 2012 were full of praise
34.72, 28.57 /1.6, 21.77, 5:20.37); 4 Geoffrey Butler SCVAC 2319 (5.03 for the competition and hospitality we provided and were
/0.0, 27.26, 28.53 /1.6, 22.59, 5:32.61); 5 Steve Mayfield EVAC 2258 strongly encouraging fellow US athletes to come over for the
(4.50 /0.0, 25.17, 27.27 /1.6, 18.80, 5:32.61); M50: 1 Mark Spivey AUS next Challenge which is in 2016 and planning for that event
2933 (5.05 /1.7, 34.53, 27.08 /2.1, 31.86, 5:28.91); 2 Geoff Powley Open has already commenced.
2910 (4.93 /0.2, 40.50, 27.92 /27.92, 29.82, 5:27.28); 3 Derek Osborne
WMAA 2879 (5.06 /1.7, 30.92, 27.45 /2.1, 29.88, 5:14.84); 4 William Bruce Charles
McKeever USA 2726 (4.57 /1.3, 30.23, 25.26 /2.1, 21.69, 5:20.39); 5
Andy Smerdon Open 2499 (4.43/1.0, 28.67, 26.53 /2.1, 20.57, 5:26.86); EAMA INTER AREA
6 John Dickinson SCVAC 1931 (5.08 /1.3, 27.08, 27.76 /2.1, 22.34, dns CHALLENGE
); 7 Jim Gillespie EVAC 1336 (3.35 /1.1, 21.52, 32.93 /2.1, 25.21,
7:06.43); M55:1 Brian Slaughter VAC 3336 (5.14 /1.9, 37.07, 27.53 /1.6, SOLIHULL
33.56, 5:36.45); 2 Ian Jordan SWVAC 1948 (4.66 /1.3, 23.43, 32.26 /1.6,
24.52, 7:23.95); 3 Peter Morgan Vac 1434 (3.74 /0.2, 24.20, 35.95 /1.6, 20TH JULY
19.73, 7:20.61); M60:1 Ian Reeve EVAC 4.91 /0.0, 33.85, 27.95 /3.2,
33.41, 5:57.02); 2 Adrian Essex SCVAC 2824 (4.46 /0.0, 24.53, 27.62 Words: Brian Owen.
/3.2, 25.50, 6:04.84); M65: 1 kristian Lundby MMAC 3198 (4.57 /0.0,
37.22, 31.28 /3.2, 29.98, 6:46.30); 2 David Cowley MMAc 2826 (4.25 Pictures: Tom
/0.0, 28.78, 30.30 /3.2, 27.25, 7:02.66); M70: 1 Michael Dugan SWVAC Phillips.
2835 (3.94 /00.0, 27.15, 30.48 /2.2, 19.36, 7:19.67); 2 Peter Eddy SVHC
2622 (3.35 /0.0, 31.38, 35.40 /2.2, 31.51, 7:47.47); 3 David Haines Well I thought the “Friendly Games” started on the
SCVAC 2509 (3.68 /0.0, 24.93, 34.12 /2.2, 17.31, 6:51.77); 4 Brian Loten 23rd of July, however, the spirit in this year’s Inter
SWVAC 2134 (3.38 /0.0, 23.05, 38.18 /2.2, 26.36, 7:52.98); M75:John Area Challenge scored very highly on the index of
Ross SVHC 3550 (British Best) (3.83 /0.0, 30.18, 31.59 /2.2, 23.73, enjoyment if such a factor exists for Athletic
6:58.40); 2 John Scott SVHC 2836 (3.92 /0.0, 24.86, 33.71 /2.2, 21.45, meetings.
Everything about the Meeting scored “A” plus factors. With
GB v US Combined Events good, warm and dry conditions. A track and its facilities in
Challenge- Bruce Charles. reasonable condition. The competitive nature of the events,
plus the good natured Athletes and Officials, so let me tell
This took place in a hot Neosho, Missouri on the 5th and 6th you what happened.
July 2014.
As usual the hospitality of our US hosts and the
entertainment was outstanding with old friendships being
renewed and new ones made.
Unfortunately the GB team this year was depleted by serious
illness and injury but nevertheless we went down to the US
by only a little over 200 points. The team was further reduced