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                       PAGE 27►Track &Field.

           Items for inclusion in the “Winter              THE PICTURES USED IN THIS
        Edition” to reach the editor by the                             ISSUE ARE BY

                       1st December 2014.                                  JEREMY HEMMING
            The lucky prize winners are as follows:
MAY: Keith Whitaker, Claire Cameron, Douglas                                   TOM PHILLIPS
Fotheringham, Morgan Kelly, Irene Nicholls & Nigel     
JUNE : Nigel Wray, Robert Care, George Phipps,            EDITOR WRITES:
Maggie Statham.
JULY: Jackie Gilchrist, David Haines, Brian Holden,        In the last issue I wrote concerning the
Peter Norman, Phil Owen, Jeff Wilson,                      desirability of having a Major International
AUGUST: Victor Murray, John Collins, David Haines,         Championships in Britain. What I did not know
Steve James, Barrie Roberts & Nigel Wray.                  was that the Welsh Capital City of Cardiff
Each month the first number drawn receives a cheque        had already expressed a desire to hold the 2018
for £125, while the 5 runners-up each receive a            World Championships.
cheque for £10.
Many thanks to all who have taken part, in particular      Preliminary negotiations had taken part involving
to Nigel Wray, who has returned his winnings to the        Stan Perkins and Winston Thomas of World
BMAF and Alasdair Ross and Edwin Oxlade for their          Masters and members of the BMAF executive,
kind donations.                                            Bridget Cushen covers this in greater detail on
If anyone is interested in purchasing a share, which       page six of this issue.
costs £15 per year, they can contact us on All profits go towards the            Jo Pavey has given the Master’s cause a
production of this Magazine.                               wonderful boost following her European 10,000
                                                           metres Gold in Zurich, making her the oldest
PAGE 2► Fixtures.                                          European Champion in the history of the event.
PAGE 3► Letters.                                           Added to her terrific Bronze in the Glasgow
PAGE 5► News and Reports                                   Commonwealth Games, it’s just about the best
PAGE 9► Jo Pavey interviewed                               message that we can send out confirming that
                                                           Athletics is simply not just a young persons
               by Alastair Aitken                          sport. Alastair Aitken provides us with one of his
PAGE 11► Obituaries                                        tremendous interviews on page ten of this issue.
PAGE 12►Race Walking
PAGE 13►Addresses.                                         We have some free track time on the 20th of
PAGE 14►Road Racing                                        September during the Track programme of the
                                                           BMAF Multi-Events Championships, do have a
                                                           look at the events listed. The events will be
                                                           seeded on given best times, Male and Female
                                                           Athletes running against each other.

                                                           Events include a Mile and the rarely run 4x800
                                                           metres relay, so if we can get together 4 people
                                                           within the age group specified. British and
                                                           perhaps even World records could be set. Please
                                                           email Maurice direct so teams can be arranged.

                                                           I understand that Eric Shirley who I report set
                                                           two British M85 records on page eight, has had
                                                           the efforts disallowed on a technical issue.

                                                           Perhaps we should make some allowances for
                                                           older competitors rather than apply the same
                                                           rigid rules following European and World dictates
                                                           to British Records.

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