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Dear Masters Athlete, TEAM Managers Kim & Harry 91 Orchard Grove,
Matthews Shield Row, Stanley, Co.
Thank you for showing an interest in wishing to be Durham DH9 8NL
considered for selection for the England Cross Country team
to compete in the British and Irish Masters Cross Country MUSES FROM AN AGING
International to be held at Wollaton Park, Nottingham on ATHLETE
Saturday 22nd November 2014. Teams will be selected by a
committee of selectors representing the various regions of I notice that as we age and move up the age groups the
England. Selectors will take into consideration performances Throwers benefit from lighter weights, the Hurdlers from
from the events listed below. lower heights and shorter distances, but the runners continue
with the same old distances. Would it encourage more
* BMAF Cross Country Championships competitors in the upper age groups if distances were
* BMAF 5k and 10k Road Championships reduced i.e. 100 metres reduced to 75, the 200 to 150, 400
* BMAF Track 5,000m and 10,000m Championships to 300 etc.
* Relevant European and World Masters
Unfortunately I cannot come up with suggestions for the
Championship events Jumpers apart from a one metre Long Jump board or
* Relevant local/regional events (e.g. Cross perhaps a spring board for take-off!
Country/5k and 10k Road) NO NAME GIVEN!
When completing the form please include all the relevant Editor comments:
races for this year (including local / regional events), and Rule changes would have to be made at WMA levels,
in particular, include your most recent ones and those with following application by National and Regional Federations.
your best current times for this year. This will help the
selection committee to assess your current form. What you I think that maybe the 300 metres could replace the 400
did in the previous years may not be relevant. If selected, metres, it already happens in the Hurdles.
you must be prepared to pay your own travel and
accommodation expenses, as there is no financial Shorter take-offs are already used for older competitors in
assistance available from EAMA. Your England running vest the Long and Triple Jumps. Whilst extenders are in use in
will be supplied, but you will need all your other running kit the Pole Vault.
(including red shorts if possible) unless otherwise informed.
You will be notified about the outcome of your application Spring Boards, you jest I think!
within a few days of the selection meeting which will be held
on 4th October.
It is important that all athletes wishing to be considered
for selection are paid up members of their respective
Area Masters / Veterans Club or Association. Please
ensure you fully complete the official form and return it
to your Masters/Veterans Club/Association
representative, named below, by the closing date
(27/9/14). Late arrivals will not be considered. Please
ensure you enclose a reply paid envelope (9 x 6.25
inches) and the CORRECT POSTAGE.
In the meantime, best of luck with your training and racing.
Harry Matthews.
Club/Association Reps Name Reps Address SECRETARY’S
MMAC 25 Barbers Hill,
VAC Mick Werrington, CUSHEN
NVAC Smedley Peterborough PE4 5ED
NEMAA Cardiff Bidding for 2018 World Masters Track & Field
SWVAC Charlie 12A Bagshaw Street,
ISLE OF MAN Dickinson Crewton, Derby DE24 WeChampionships.
SCVAC 8TX were delighted when the City approached us
Alex Rowe to host the above Championships. A 5-person
20 Broadhinton Road, Inspection Team looked at the International
Harry Clapham, London SW4 Stadium where the separate Throws Field has Planning
Matthews 0LU Permission and funding for major expansion, when
completed it will be idea for the throwers. Barry also wants to
Zina 1 Buckingham Road, be involved; their 6-lane track with all facilities, including
Marchant Lytham St. Annes, Refreshments, is being upgraded.
Lancashire FY8 4EU
Lesley 5
Christian 91 Orchard Grove,
Shield Row, Stanley, Co.
Ann Bath Durham DH9 8NL
54 Parkfields,
Chippenham, Wiltshire,
SN15 1NX
1 Chester Mews, The
Paddocks, Ballasalla,
Isle of Man IM9 2DH
61 St Mary’s Road,
Long Ditton, Surbiton,
Surrey KT6 5HB