Written by Bridget Cushen and Peter Kennedy on 16/07/2019
Update: with the lack of success in finding a new editor, the BMAF Executive is considering ceasing publication of the magazine. If we do not have a large amount of support for its continuation and a new editor in place by the end of 2019, we will go ahead with the cessation and refund outstanding subscriptions for the paper copy (see separate news item). We would endeavour to replace the magazine by more frequent news articles on the BMAF website, supported by a greater involvement in social media. We are in just as much need of members’ contributions if we are to demonstrate that we are encouraging and managing masters athletics
Peter Kennedy, BMAF IT Manager, 29/10/2019
The BMAF needs to appoint a volunteer to become the new editor for Masters Athletics magazine, which is published four times a year, both online for all members and as a magazine distributed to a ,limited number of paying subscribers.
You obviously have a passion for masters athletics but do you also have a flare for writing, an eye for copy layout and journalistic/network skills to find the news items and photos, in conjunction with our Communications Manager, Event Secretaries and photographers.
If so, an exciting opportunity has arisen for you to join a committed team who run the most successful section of British athletics. Our IT Manager and the current Editor will offer you every assistance in getting started.
We may be able to split part of the role for other people to deal with:
- preparation of each magazine, provided that you have all the news items, photos and advertisements to be used
- handling subscriptions for paper copies.
Many of the articles, photos and competition results may already have been posted to the BMAF website, but some will need to be expanded for the magazine.
Need more information contact: Secretary@bmaf.org.uk Tel: 020 8683 2602.
Apply in confidence to: 156 Mitcham Road. Croydon, Surrey, CRO 3JE