Since the 2020 Vitality Westminster Mile was postponed in March, we’ve been working hard on a range of options to try and stage the event. However, sadly the recent surges in Covid-19 since lockdown was eased means it’s not possible to hold it in its usual format this year. We will be sending an email to all registered later today informing them of this.
We will be in touch with all entrants next month (it takes a bit of time to build the entry system for this) asking them if they would like to rollover their entry to 2021 or to receive a refund.
All entrants will still have the chance to earn their 2020 Vitality Westminster Mile medal. We’re inviting them to run the Vitality Westminster Mile from home or wherever they are during the October half-term period (24 October to 1 November 2020). If they email us a photo of them taking part they will be sent their finisher’s medal for free. More information will follow regarding this.
We are disappointed not to be able to hold the Vitality Westminster Mile in person this year but I’m sure you understand the reasons why.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in these difficult times and we will be touch in due course re plans for the Vitality Westminster Mile in 2021.
The Vitality Westminster Mile Team
London Marathon Events
(Note: this means the British Masters and VAC 1 mile road championships are also cancelled)