Time: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Online, via Zoom
Anyone wishing to attend must register no later than 15th December here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you have already registered for the original date (26th November), but cannot attend the new date, please let me know and I will take you off the list.
This is a critical change in the life of Masters Athletics in the UK and attending the meeting will enable you to have say in how we can improve our organisation and deliver the vision agreed at last year’s AGM. Please spare the time if you possibly can.
Key Documents
The key documents for you to read in advance are as follows:
- Incorporation Slides with notes here
- Why Incorporate – questions here
- Draft Articles of Association for BMAF Ltd here
The agenda for the meeting is here. The reports from the Executive Officers are attached as links on the agenda.

Anyone not familiar with Zoom should read the guidance we have prepared here.
BMAF Incorporation
The main item on the agenda will be the proposal for incorporation of the BMAF as a limited company and BMAF Services Limited will become a subsidiary of the new company. The initial discussions with the Council were positive but the documents presented at the AGM are not necessarily the final versions.
We wish to get general approval to the documents while giving opportunity for anyone who wants to make comments or suggest alternatives. If the proposal is approved by a two-thirds majority of those present at the meeting, then we can update the documents in accordance with the feedback and take professional legal/tax advice on our status of the proposed organisation. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can then take place separately to wind up the BMAF and hand over responsibility for masters athletics in the UK once the new company is established.
As the new company will have a different structure to the Federation, there will be changes to the officer positions, roles and responsibilities needing to be filled. if the proposal for incorporation is approved at this meeting, the election of officers will be for both the existing and future organisation, where the positions are the same. Arrangements will also be put in place for the appointment of the other directors and officers as indicated in the agenda.
The BMAF needs more than athletes to survive and flourish. There are many team roles in the organisation needing volunteers to fill them instead of relying on the Executive and the existing team members to cover the missing roles. Please review the list attached to the agenda and consider if you can spare a little time to help.
Peter Kennedy
Chairman of the BMAF