We had 110 entries for the BMAF 10 Mile Championships yesterday (27th November 2022), as athletes were prepared to travel some distance to Gravesend Cyclopark.
The number of finishers at the BMAF 10 Mile Champs over the last 5 years have been 50, 37, 91, 70, and 42 last year. This year we witnessed another 91 finishers, which is a pleasing outcome.
Cyclopark is an A1 venue, and although the rain eased the course is challenging but with a perfect racing surface. Athletes are safe on a traffic-free course and are only a few metres from a hot shower, a mug of coffee, or their cars, which park adjacent to the track.
The times and age group medallists are on OpenTrack, but I must highlight a couple of performances.
The first finisher was Thomas Beedell (M35, Woodford Green AC with Essex Ladies) in a very respectable time of 54:20. However, possibly the performance of day came from Simon Baines (M50, Thames Hare & Hounds) in an outstanding 54:27, only 7 seconds behind the winner, with Simon being chased home by Anthony Webb (M45, Medway and Maidstone AC) in 54:40.
The ladies ran to form with Gemma Collier (W35, Gloucester AC) first home in a time of 1:02:09. She was followed by Kerstin Sung (W45, Maidstone Harriers) in 1:05:33, and in third position Sasha Humphries (W50, Tonbridge AC) finished in 1:08:40, after an amazing battle to be first W50 with Deborah Gilman (Hatton Darts). Gilman was only 12 seconds behind in a time of 1:08:52, finishing as 4th lady.

As this was a Championship all the winners times are Gun times not Chip times.
Can I personally thank our President, Arthur Kimber and Bridget Cushen, Honorary Secretary for their help on the day.

Find reports of all the BMAF 10 Mile Road Championships here