International Team Managers

We have come to the end of an era when management of our international teams can be taken for granted. It is also self-evident that a large British team, competing in several different locations, cannot be managed by one person, no matter how much time and effort they put into the role,
We are an organisation relying on volunteers and fortunately we have many people willing to give some of their time to enable our competitions to take place. We now need to make an appeal for help managing the British teams competing in the

WMA indoor stadia championships in Torun, Poland 26 March – 01 April and in the

EMA outdoor stadia championships in Pescara, Italy 21 September – 01 October.

We are looking for team managers to come forward who would be willing to attend these events, possibly in conjunction with their own competing, Click here: BMAF International Team Management role to see an outline description of responsibilities of a team manager at these events and how to apply for the role. The team manager does not have to be an area club member and newcomers would be supervised/supported by an experienced team manager.

We also need to find new lead team managers for each championship who should be present for the whole competition and preferably not competing. The lead team manager may also be asked to take on the role of chief British delegate at a meeting of the EMA/WMA General Assembly if this meeting is taking place in conjunction with the championships.

Time is short for booking flights/accommodation for Torun and therefore you are asked to reply by 11th January 2023. Even if you are only just considering the possibility of helping at one of the championships it would be much appreciated if you can give an initial indication by 4th January so that we can make final decisions by mid-January.

The team managers should only expect to receive a proportion of their expenses because the budget is linked to to the amount we ask each British competitor to pay as a supplement to their entry fees. Please indicate whether you would wish to receive any payment of expenses and whether this is essential for you to take on the role.

Other Voluntary Roles

Post covid-19, many of our experienced officials are looking to retire from/reduce their administrative or technical role in the organisation due to ill-health, work commitments or a desire to make competing once again their priority. We are therefore in great need of more volunteers to fulfil the other roles in the organisation, preferably with several people handling each role, so that there is less likelihood of no cover for a specific role or increasing the burden on the leadership. The full list of administrative roles is listed on our website under the title BMAF Machine  if you have some time to help or you wish to give something back in recognition for all that is done to enable you to compete, then please look at the list and contact the relevant member of the BMAF Executive via the website BMAF Officers page giving details of your interest or asking for more information.

Wishing you all the best for 2023   

regards Peter Kennedy
Chairman of the BMAF

The composite image is taken from the competition websites and