World Masters Athletics Mixed Relays Bahamas 2024 – The BMAF has expressed interest and pointed out that the limited age ranges exclude many athletes
Many will have seen the letter (below) from the WMA to masters federations asking for an expression of interest in a mixed relay event (4 X 400 and 4 X 800 – 2 men, 2 women) to be included in the main World Athletics Championships to be held in the Bahamas on 4/5th May next year.
The BMAF has responded with an expression of interest stating that we would hope to be able to enter teams in both events in each of the age groups.
We have pointed out that:
- the BMAF does not fund any athletes for international championships, and those who make up our teams will be chosen from those who can afford it
- many will be having to make a choice between going to Gothenburg for the WMA Track & Field championships or this event
- the 10 year age groups with a top age group of 65+ is not in keeping with inclusive masters principles and a significant proportion of our members are being excluded from this opportunity.
When/if it is decided that the event goes ahead we will decide the basis for selection and invite expressions of interest at that stage. In the meantime we are not collecting names and no action is needed.

Photo Credits – The Gold medal winning M70 4 x 200m relay team, Torun 2023, and Bill Courtney via Facebook