Entries close on Saturday March 9th 2024
Queries regarding entries to OpenTrack via bmaf@opentrack.run but queries about the race itself should be sent to:
Harry Matthews, BMAF Cross Country Secretary Email: hmatthews@bmaf.org.uk
Entries are via OpenTrack
Prospectus and Competitions within Competitions
Also incorporated into the individual championships are two team events, meaning your one run will enter you into three events:
- The Individual Championships
- The Club Team Event
- England Masters Athletics Association Inter-Area Cross Country Challenge
and with the wonder of computer technology all you have to do is enter the individual event, leaving the organisers to create the teams. The prospectus sets out the qualifying criteria.
The venue
Corwen is on the A5 trunk road in the Dee Valley, 20 miles west of Wrexham and 10 miles
west of Llangollen where there are several hotels and guest houses.
The Rhug Website sets out the attractions of the Estate. It is set in stunning North Wales countryside and sets out its organic farming credentials. The Farm Shop stocks loads of stuff produced on the farm and it all looks mouth watering. Cross Country runners will probably look forward to visiting the cafe.

A Bit of History
This Championships last took place at Rhug 4 years ago, and there is just a hint of defiance of the impending restrictions in the race report.