Saturday the 25th May 2024 will be the date we witness the promotion of the biggest Masters Road event in the UK.
The British Masters Road Relays at Mallory Park, Leicester .
Last year we moved from Sutton Park Birmingham to Mallory Park and it was the very best decision one could have ever made. 5 Star rating from the athletes who attended, a traffic / dog walkers free course on perfect tarmac, not pancake flat which added to the challenge. Licensed café on site with all the infrastructure that Sutton Park could never provide.
However, this year will be special as we will be promoting a weekend event with camping on site . On Saturday the British Masters Relays and on Sunday the Livingstone Relays. Click on the name of the relay to enter.
Why not join other Clubs from across the UK in a weekend of cameraderie and sporting friendship and we will ensure, if numbers dictate, that the bar will be open, hot food is on offer at a very fair price and a live covers bands will be present which will meet your approval.
What more is there to say, other than to sign up as soon as possible as spaces will be limited once the word spreads.
For any queries on how to enter your teams in the British Masters Relays contact OpenTrack BMAF support
Walter Hill
British Masters Road Running Secretary For and on behalf of British Masters Athletics Federation