International Competition

General information

All entries will be verified by our international entries team and they will come back to you if you do not yet meet the requirements for GB&NI representation (see instructions above). You do not need to contact them regarding progress.

There is no team travel plan, it is down to you to decide what method and type of travel suits you from your location based on your needs.

There is no team hotel or accommodation, it is down to you to decide what type of accommodation suits your venue location, your competition dates and money you can spend. 

Summary of requirements:

All GB entries to EMA/WMA championships will be approved by the BMAF International Entries Coordinator. You must meet the following:


Click on the link on the fixtures page to enter but before doing so be sure that you are familiar with the requirements given below, which have to be satisfied in order to represent GB & NI in EMA or WMA championships.   

Detailed requirements

Contact the BMAF International Entries Coordinator if you have any queries related to the entry process or other questions relating to the championships.  You will only be contacted if there is a problem with your entry.

1. You must be a member of the British Masters Athletic Federation (BMAF) via one of the 11 regional clubs if you wish to represent GBR in international competition for the disciplines of track & field, road, cross country and race walking at the stadia or non-stadia championships. Here are details of these area clubs. 

Your BMAF club membership must be up to date when your entry is validated and you must still be a paid-up member when the competition starts. This will be verified with your membership secretary after you have entered. Your membership renewal is due at the same time every year!! So, get organised.

This requirement does not apply to international marathons, ultramarathons, trail running, fell running, mountain running and any other disciplines not supported by the area clubs. However you must instead register with the BMAF and complete the Athlete Profile.

BMAF registration and area club memberships are managed in BMAF OpenTrack.

2. You must have a UKA registration which has not expired before the start date of the competition via one of the home country athletics federations (EA/WA/SA/ANI).  This is shown on your Athlete Profile. 

3. There is no “qualifying standard” for international masters competition. If you are 35 years of age or more and can afford the time and money to go, then you can represent your country. You must either hold a British Passport and be a British Citizen or be a permanent UK resident in order to compete. Details for confirmation of your country of allegiance in accordance with WMA rules are given here.

The first step is to complete a change of allegiance request via the form given here 

A visa may also be required depending on the country. All 1st time competitors and those with dual nationality passports must send a copy of their passport to our International Entries Coordinator for your eligibility to be checked. This is not however necessary, if the check was already done as part of joining your area club and the validation against  the passport details has been logged  in OpenTrack.

4. But, please remember that in international masters competition you are still competing for your country Great Britain (BMAF). Therefore, you must wear the appropriate British Masters kit – read here for more details.

5. It is advisable to have travel insurance that includes sports activities.

6. Your masters club should always go on your entry form for the stadia or non-stadia championships. We/the LOC are not interested that you are a member of Tipton Harriers for instance, but, we do need to know that you are a member of Midland Masters AC (or whichever club it might be).

7. The entry fees are calculated according to the number of events you enter for a particular competition, plus any optional extras that you choose.  However there will usually be an additional 10 euros included in the fees, in order to establish a budget for the expenses of the team managers and the relay team entry fees.  This fee will not be levied if there will be no dedicated team managers accompanying the team.

8. The official Travel Agent for BMAF tours abroad is:

Track & Field Tours Ltd, Ingatestone, Essex.
Tel: 01277 354 377

9. For any questions relating to TUE’s, Anti-Doping, what to do should you be randomly selected for a Doping Control Test etc. read the notes and watch the video provided here

Technical Instructions

  1. Go to BMAF OpenTrack
  2. Signup if you do not already have a login for OpenTrack
  3. Register with BMAF
  4. Complete section A of the Athlete profile with your contact details
  5. Complete section C  of the Athlete profile with your athletics interests which we will use to send you communications relating to the relevant masters athletics competitions in the UK. You can instead exercise your right to opt of these communications
  6. Send a scanned copy/digital photo of your passport details and also your birth certificate if you were not born in the UK so that we can validate your nationality and age. We will use this information to complete Section B for you. We do not retain the copies of the documents you provide.
  7. Ensure that you have a current UKA registration via one of the home country athletics federations.  England and Wales only permit registration via an affiliated club; Scotland and Northern Ireland also accept direct registration.  You will be able to see confirmation that your registration is active by pressing the button “Check UK Athletics” on the Athlete info tab of your Athlete Profile
  8. If EMA/WMA event is a stadia/non-stadia championships involving track & field, road running events (excluding marathons or ultra marathons), cross country or race walking, you also have to be a current member of one of the 11 BMAF regional associations/clubs.  Click on the “BMAF Area Clubs” to choose the one in your region.

Last thoughts

Online entries are getting better all the time. But, you are often dealing with people that do things differently to us. Paper entries are not accepted for BMAF members.

1. READ all information available. There is always some on the BMAF Fixtures site.

2. Please enter early, not late. Then if there are any problems you and we will have plenty of time to sort them out. Do not rush your online entry. Some of the sites that are being used are not that professional, therefore they can take more time to absorb your information. However, this is getting better every year.


4. ALWAYS put your UKA registration number on the form.

5. ALWAYS ensure your masters club membership is up to date at the time of entry for the stadia and non-stadia championships.  If you are not affiliated when the competition starts you will not be able to compete.

6. Check your travel arrangements and Insurance.

7. Having entered online and had a confirmation by email, PLEASE REMEMBER any queries or alterations to your entry or information will come to you by email. CHECK YOUR EMAILS REGULARLY !!

If you have done all the above, there is absolutely no reason why you should get rejected from a championship.

Refer to the BMAF International Entries Secretary using the form given here for queries related to international (WMA/EMA) events