You may have recalled at the start of December the BMAF Chairman Walter Hill posted an e-mail inviting you all to think about being part of a new BMAF project.

This project is described “A what went well even better if… group ” WWWEBI” for short.

The feedback has flooded in, therefore it is now time for us to action.  The intention will be to reply to those emails needing specific attention.  Additionally, those who posted an e-mail of interest will receive a generic e-mail explaining then next plans/steps.

In short, the initial concept of one group will now have to become multiple groups due to the level of interest.

Each group will focus on an athletic discipline i.e. T&F, XC, Road and Walks.  These four groups will feed into a steering group who will collate and present to the Executive. All groups will be virtual so there will be no cost or travel and the only commitment will be an hour of virtual participation every 3 months. The groups will also serve as an opportunity to appreciate how the BMAF functions.

Please note we are all volunteers. New blood is essential if we are to make the BMAF brighter, bolder and better in the forthcoming decade . If you haven’t registered interest and would like to, please message our facebook page or via the BMAF Chairman email:


By admin