Kay ReynoldsKay Reynolds

Kay took over as Track and Field Secretary as live competition returned after the Covid restrictions, a difficult time. At the same time the BMAF was undergoing change, for example looking very closely at the cost of putting on events, and venues were also adjusting to the new normal. Not an easy time to take on this demanding job which Kay has tackled with great success.

This year BMAF has brought in further innovations. Kay was one of our new cohort of team managers at international events, and helped to draft the newly published guidelines for relay selection.

Indoor Dates as Kay steps down

Altogether a tricky time to hold such a significant role and Kay is now stepping down. She has provided BMAF with the following statement:

“As my BMAF T&F Secretary role comes to end, I am pleased to share that I have set dates and locations for the 2024 indoor Track and field Programme as follows: 

  • 28 January – Indoor Pentathlon, 3K Champs and open events (English Institute for Sport, Sheffield)
  • 17-18 February – Track and Field Champs (Lee Valley)
  • 3 March – Winter throws (Oxford). 

I hope the BMAF are successful in finding a replacement for me in order that these championships can be arranged. If anyone is interested they should contact me ASAP. 

I won’t be a stranger so hope to see you at one of the above events in 2024”. 

Relay Selection

The new relay selection process I put in place for Pescara (following athlete input and ideas) worked incredibly well and athlete feedback described it as the shortest ever, so it seems to have been successful. It does need some tweeks based on experience so I will do this prior to Torun.

Kay can be contacted through the BMAF contact form – select “Secretary Track and Field” from the dropdown and compose your message, if you would like to volunteer to replace her.

The appointment of all next year’s officers will be made at the AGM – of which more details here