New BMAF designs mandatory
General – Written by Ian Richards on 07/02/2017
Daegu will be the first international championships where all GB athletes must wear the new BMAF design vests.
The transitional period where it was possible to wear either the old red, white and blue hooped vest or the new BMAF design vest ca me to an end in Perth. At Daegu athletes may only wear either the vests sold by Ron Hill, the BMAF’s current appointed supplier or those sold by Zondo, the previous supplier. It is stressed that the red, white and blue hooped vests are no longer approved and anyone trying to compete wearing one runs the risk of not being allowed to start their competition and maybe turned away at the call room in accordance with WMA rules.
BMAF ceremonies kit – Daegu
Although it would be preferable if any GB athletes taking part in a medal ceremony wear the latest BMAF design competition vest, tracksuit, or T-shirt, as an alternative they may also wear a BMAF tracksuit of any vintage.
See the webpage here for details on buying the new design kit.